

Responses from audiotroy

Gryphon Diablo 300 Unchained
Pokey,It is a great time to be an audiophile, we have experience with the MBL electronics as well as the T+A as we are their East Coast Dealer.MBL's are a bit on the dark side as well as being huge and the MBL speakers are a unique proposition tha... 
Vandersteen fans..need your input (TREO CT)
Low level sound reproduction is dependent on several things:1: The total resoloution of the system.  You may need to upgrade your cales or add a power conditioner which can make a huge improvement.2: The amount of low bass as the ear is less sensi... 
A visit to the (Audio) Doctor
Stringreen,You should come over for a visit. Our shop is all about selection and finding brands which represent tremendous value.We have three of the top rated reference loudspeakers currently on the market, the Paradigm Personas, the KEF Blades, ... 
Are HT speakers best for primary audio listening or not?
Guys I am a trained Home Theater designer, so here is the answer for you question based on the criteria that we use for selecting Theater speakers.The reality is that a music speaker may make a good Home Theater speaker if it meets the requirement... 
Why no discussions of Paradigm Persona for Home Theater?
As one of the proud Persona displaying dealers let us answear a few of these questions.The Persona's are superb for Theater, their clarity and wide dynamic range make them ideal for this purpose, they also have a fantastically wide sound stage.The... 
A visit to the (Audio) Doctor
Stringreen perhaps you should come in for a visit.What people who visit our shop love is a true selection of products as well as having many of the best brands which consistantly outperform many much more expensive ones. Take Legacy for example a ... 
A visit to the (Audio) Doctor
I love it Stringreen, you managed to make a pitch for JR in an Audio Doctor post.Lets see if you want to see all the hotest brands and want an alternative to most of the other NY and NJ stores which have a very limited selection and tend to push o... 
A visit to the (Audio) Doctor
Rsf507, what are you questioning? Crwindy found us on these posts and decided to pay us a visit he lives in NYC and was on his way to his CT home and figured he would check us out. He has never been to our store.Many NYC audiophiles do not know ab... 
Tekton DIs or Legacy Focus SEs?
Vitop please explain how an AMT is softer sounding than a Soft dome tweeter? Never heard a soft dome with more resolution then an AMT or a Ribbon in doing this professionally for 30 years.  Even the much vaulted Scanspeak ring radiator tweeter whi... 
Tekton DIs or Legacy Focus SEs?
No Mofojo, in my opinion after hearing them in two totally different setups they were warm not saying they didn't sound great, but their treble although it was there it was not as bright and clean as I thought they would be. The Di bass was excell... 
Vandersteen Treo CT vs Mag 3.7i speakers
Really the question Netwon is why just those two? Have you listened to many others in the price range, have you visted all the dealers in your area?Both of these speakers have different attributes.The Maggies are clearer with a fantastic ribbon tw... 
Tekton DIs or Legacy Focus SEs?
Acutally Kdenmangelare the Legacy's are competitive with much more expensive speakers, if you factor in the Di with better paint and wire upgrades they are $4,300.00 which is still a remarkable deal.The Legacy's at $7k offer a much more attractive... 
Dealers hijacking the discussions
Yes Grgr4blu you know what they say.If you had ever visted us listened to our systems maybe you wouldnt be so out of touch.The people who visit the shop all say the same things.We have a real selection and most people love comming to a store which... 
Dealers hijacking the discussions
Keith your loss not anyone elses.As per tirades the only triade that has ever occurred  is when we are attacked by someone in particular.Our posts are found to be very helpful to many people.If you are boycotting a product based upon what a partic... 
Tekton DIs or Legacy Focus SEs?
Mac Cohocks is looking at the Signatures which are $7k vs $4.3 for the Tektons.The Legacy Signatures are very up to par with the larger Focus, the difference is the amount of deep bass and a slightly bigger soundstage and the Focus play louder, bu...