
Responses from audiokinesis

High order crossovers
@trelja , thank you for taking the time to explain your position.My understanding is that series resistance decreases the voltage going to the driver (perhaps more precisely, it decreases the voltage drop across the driver).  So it decreases SPL a... 
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
@fleschler wrote:"I swapped my front row ticket for rows 10 through 20 to get the best sound for a combination of direct and long reflective sound."Duke replies:[capslock][bold][italics][giant font]YESSSSS!!![/capslock][/bold][/italics][/giant fon... 
Small or large sub for music
@wolf_garcia wrote: "I’ve been in the actual music biz for over 5 decades...back when we used Altec A7s (extremely efficient) we typically ran maybe 200 watts into the bass speakers and 50 to 100 into the horns to make things balanced. Now I use 1... 
Small or large sub for music
@wolf_garcia wrote:"Bass frequencies absolutely require MUCH more power than treble or mids, to state otherwise is ridiculous."The musical spectrum normally has more energy at low frequencies than at mid and high frequencies, with 400 Hz being the... 
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
@prof, my comments about “too much or too little” reverberant energy arise from some experiments in varying the amount of reverberant energy while leaving the first-arrival sound untouched. Briefly we used a fairly directional main array aimed at ... 
Floor-Standards to Monitors?
@soix said:  "First, if you’re talking about large, multi-driver speakers or line array speakers IME there is a soundstage size/scale, coherence, dynamics, and perceived effortlessness thing going on that I just don’t see a monitor and subs being ... 
Small or large sub for music
@mapman wrote:"Also lower bass frequencies take exponentially more power to produce flat response so you better have plenty of good clean amp power in those subs too to carry the load. The more the better. Not enough power in reserve is perhaps th... 
Floor-Standards to Monitors?
In my opinion, before you expect room correction to "level the playing field", you should be aware that there are two things DSP cannot fix:1.  DSP cannot correct the dynamic limitations of a loudspeaker.  It cannot make the motors handle more wat... 
Have you ever changed speakers to expereince a different "soundscape" or presentation??
@draaglah said, "I'm a sucker for soundstaging, so trying out different models to find better and bigger sound is often a pastime - though it seems to sometimes be at the cost of detail for some reason."My experience has been that late-onset refle... 
High order crossovers
Trelja wrote: "Could you shed a bit more insight into how you landed on your assertion, and potentially provide some specifics, please?"I assume this is the assertion you’re talking about: "I disagree that there is a correlation between parts coun... 
High order crossovers
"And the S-30 is a sweet amp"Yes it is!   
High order crossovers
@c1ferrari , thank you very much.I think there are scientific explanations for many of our subjective observations.  When the science and the observation seem to be at odds, then either the observation has a mistake in it or the science is faulty ... 
High order crossovers
@tomic601 wrote:  "single caps inserted are bypass them AND form both of them with DBS....."Pardon my ig'nernce...what is DBS?Thanks! 
High order crossovers
Trelja wrote:"Thiels employ first order crossovers, yet with all of the added circuitry, represent some of the most complex crossovers, with the highest parts counts around. THAT’S why they’re so difficult to drive."Sorry but I must disagree that ... 
narrow and wide baffles and imaging
@tomic601 said, "much harder to figure out with reliability psychoacoustics than the more or less well understood physics... "Psychoacoustics is fascinating, in my opinion, in part because much of it is counter-intuitive. Sounds like you already h...