
Responses from audiokinesis

Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution
"...the market for smallish subs might be higher than you suspect." I’m not saying I’ll never go there, but it has to be something that I believe offers worthwhile improvement over its competition, rather than just being four small subs sold as a ... 
Speaker toe in
Mijostyn wrote, regarding a side effect of extreme toe-in: "High frequencies may drop off as you toe in the speaker." Yup! Severe toe-in can result in less high frequency energy in the first-arrival sound, but correspondingly a bit more in the rev... 
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution
"Duke, I think what people are concerned with is the size of the subs in a small room."  That makes sense, but I don’t think I can offer a practical solution. You see, in part because I’m a small company, my costs don’t scale down proportionate wi... 
What are some of the most underrated and overrated loudspeakers you’ve auditioned?
I would say some of the most under-rated are Pi Speakers, by Wayne Parham.  In my opinion, the designs of his that I have spent some time with, the 4Pi and 7Pi, are superb.Wayne offers plans for free, and his designs use prosound drivers which man... 
ESL57 vs ESL63
I have owned both and would choose a GOOD, MATCHED pair of 57's.  To my ears the 63's have a bit of over-emphasis in the lower treble region that I never could get used to.  I used various tube and solid state amps and my preference was for the At... 
Speaker toe in
Twoleftears said: "And in a long-wall set-up? Presumably you aren’t so worried about side-wall reflections..." Very true. However the proximity of the wall behind the speakers could constrain the soundstage depth (assuming you can’t pull them out ... 
Standmount speakers. I have $5000.
Usery wrote: "duke - thanks for the thoughtful reply. Just me in my seat, mostly on-axis, with ears about 7-8 feet from front plane of standmounts. On occasion I do jump up and dance/throw-body-about regardless of anyone watching ; )" And I thank ... 
Speaker toe in
"The guy talks about how he went from a heavily treated room with a traditional speaker setup to a corner placement and it sounded better without any treatment." This makes sense to me, assuming by "heavily treated" he means "lots of absorption". ... 
Speaker toe in
"So this doesn’t make the soundstage laterally narrower??" With the right kind of speakers (described in my post), not at all, except for the loss of the image broadening effect of early sidewall reflections. The soundstage width is normal, and th... 
Speaker toe in
"Has anyone heard of The Tannoy Method used for speaker toe in?" I have not heard that name before. "The speakers are toed in quite a bit past the listening axis." I have been making speakers intended to work well with this sort of configuration f... 
Standmount speakers. I have $5000.
Usery, you have provided a lot of useful information. Nice job. A couple of thoughts, si je peux... You already have a pair of quite capable subs, so your stand-mount speakers don’t need to have major low-end capabilities, and indeed the blend mig... 
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution
"It seems like your new system concept will probably work well not only in a variety of small rooms, but also some medium sized rooms." The main speaker array has a lot more dynamic range than one is likely to use in a small room, so yeah the syst... 
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution
Hi Tim, My reasoning is simply this: Four one-foot-square footprints (2 mains w/built-in subs + 2 separate subs) are easier to shoehorn into a really small room than six (two stand-mounted mains + four separate subs). And I already make the latter... 
2ch Upgrade for Unfocused Listening
"Omni-directional: It really is raising an eyebrow. The fact that there have been several suggestions to go omni-directional does get me thinking."  Imo the argument for a quasi- omnidirectional system in your situation is this:   Good timbre la... 
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution
" What is the smallest room size recommended for use with the DEBRA/SWARM systems? "  This will be somewhat counter-intuitive, but a small room benefits more from a distributed multisub system than a large room does. The reason is, smaller rooms a...