
Responses from audiokinesis

Pin point imaging isn't for everyone
Mijostyn wrote: "Sure Duke but I think there is one caveat. You don’t want reflected energy off the front wall coming right back at you." You are absolutely correct!!"I wish I could draw a picture here but essentially you want the reflection to ta... 
Pin point imaging isn't for everyone
@david_ten wrote: " Duke, thank you so much for your detailed posts. Very helpful!" Thank you David, my nerdy tangents aren’t always welcome, very glad to hear you found these helpful!@mijostyn wrote: "This is a major reason line source dipoles so... 
Pin point imaging isn't for everyone
"I’m a little curious about when they were aware of it though." My recollection is that the other listeners didn’t confirm that they were aware of the sounds off to the sides being not as loud as they were used to. So I don’t think it was obvious.... 
Pin point imaging isn't for everyone
Erik, that primary 2 kHz comb-filter crosstalk notch is something recording engineers have to be aware of. When listening nearfield to mixing monitors in a fairly dead room, the notch is not significantly filled in by the reverberant field, so the... 
Pin point imaging isn't for everyone
@erik_squires posted an interesting observation: "Even with very good imaging I notice the following: Instruments are always louder at the sides than in the center." Several weeks ago I had the privilege of setting up a set of my speakers in a wor... 
Pin point imaging isn't for everyone
@david_ten poses a very interesting question: "Do differentials in volume guide perception of distance (of the performer) relative to the listening position?." Volume plays a role, but it is my understanding is that reflections play the primary ro... 
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution
Clio09 wrote: "I don't run equal lengths of cables to any of my woofers. Instead I cut to the length required for each woofer. I also don't worry about stepping on the cables while they are under the carpet."Same here.  Duke 
Standmount speakers. I have $5000.
Mijostyn wrote: "Hey Duke, I was just on your web site... Your web site does not mention which stand mount speakers you sell!" I am awaiting high quality photos, which in turn are awaiting a couple of final cosmetic tweaks. In stand-mount speakers... 
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution
"So for those of you enjoying your DBA systems, any suggestions on creative speaker cable management?"  You can use 16 gauge zip cord, make the wires as long as necessary to hug the walls if that helps, and you can run ’em under rugs.  
Looking for a sub to put in my amps loop function
" Is there a way to set a subwoofer up to stop the nova from amplifying 80Hz and below and still be controlled by the novas volume control."Yes, by using the Vandersteen subs with the setup procedure imhififan linked to.  The filter slopes are sh... 
Looking for a sub to put in my amps loop function
Imhififan, If I understand correctly, the Vandersteen hookup puts a 6dB highpass filter into the loop, and then the sub is AFTER the loop, and receives a speaker-level signal. The sub’s internal lowpass filter is the inverse of that 6 dB highpass ... 
Looking for a sub to put in my amps loop function
Maybe I’m missing something, but is the loop on your Peachtree before or after the volume control?  If before, then whatever component is connected in the loop won’t have its volume controlled by the Peachtree’s main volume control. If this is the... 
Subwoofer recommendation for swarm
"Duke - Do you recommend trying to feed a stereo signal to the swarm? Summing left and right to mono? Only running the right channel to all four subs? Something else? "  I’d do either stereo or summed mono. Getting into stereo vs mono bass would d... 
Subwoofer recommendation for swarm
One feature you might want to look for is a steep rolloff slope for the variable-frequency lowpass filter. You want to rapidly roll off the top end of any subs that are closer to you than the main speakers are, so that they don’t pass upper bass/l... 
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution
" My main concern is to what degree would the extremely good bass power, impact and dynamics qualities of the four separate subs configuration used by the SWARM and DEBRA systems would be compromised when two subs are incorporated into the main sp...