
Responses from audiofun

USB cable..what do you have.
With all due respect Istanbulu, I'm not going into the file types and all that stuff. It's $.50 cents. Try it or don't... I mean if a guy with $4k worth of USB cables and a Diverter HR tells me to try a fifty cent cable, unless I'm a CABLE MANUFAC... 
USB cable..what do you have.
Sorry about the double post. 
USB cable..what do you have.
Quick and dirty, speakers are my design, amps include the Graaf Modena OTL (modified with easy bias access ports), Acoustic Reality Thaumaturges, a pair of my own design, the Preamps include a Music First Audio Copper Classic and the Music First A... 
USB cable..what do you have.
Quick and dirty, speakers are my design, amps include the Graaf Modena OTL (modified with easy bias access ports), Acoustic Reality Thaumaturges, a pair of my own design, the Preamls include a Music First Audio Copper Classic and the Music First A... 
USB cable..what do you have.
Ok, I am going to be a bit enigmatic so please forgive me. I have recently gone through 3 USB cable which shall for now remain un-named. The total cost for these three cable is approximately $4k. The savey may be able to surmise what these cables ... 
Bidat vs Perfect Wave vs Weiss and others
Ok, so the Sonicweld is pulling away nicely from the Tos using glass cabe (I keep mentioning the glass part because it really does make Tos quite formidable as a choice). In direct comparisons the Tos is very languid and smooth, rich sounding if y... 
Bidat vs Perfect Wave vs Weiss and others
Carl23, I totally understand your point! I've said it before; if it were not for me wanting access to hires files I would probably have kept my Bidat forever :) 
Bidat vs Perfect Wave vs Weiss and others
Tos with a real glass cable sounds awesome in my system. Most people commenting about the sound of Tos are possibly basing that on one of two thing; regurgitating what they have read or heard from others or they have listend with a plastic fiber T... 
Has anyone heard Sonicweld Diverter 192
No, I thought about auditioning the Offramp but honestly all the options kinda got on my nerves. What I'm hearing with the Diverter currently sounds better than anything I've yet heard and I'm still using the throw away USB cable :). I'm sure the ... 
Is anyone with an MSB Dac using an outboard clock?
Cool! I'm just now seeing this :( sorry. I am feeding my PowerDac with the new Diverter HR from my Mac mini and the sound is incredible!!!!! 
Bidat vs Perfect Wave vs Weiss and others
I receive the Diverter HR today. I am using it with my Mac mini, pure music 1.8a ( soon to be 1.82 soon as i download it:) my Graaf Modena and MFA Ref passive attenuator. The Dac is the MSB Power Dac. I am using a Grover huffman RCA spdif cable an... 
Has anyone heard Sonicweld Diverter 192
I receive the Diverter HR today. I am using it with my Mac mini, pure music 1.8a ( soon to be 1.82 soon as i download it:) my Graaf Modena and MFA Ref passive attenuator. The Dac is the MSB Power Dac. I am using a Grover huffman RCA spdif cable an... 
Sonicweld or M2Tech hiFace usb to spdif converter
Hi JWM, yes you are correct.., my unit was supposed to have been delivered. I received an email from Lee of Cryoparts last Saturday stating that he had been ill and that my shipment amongst others was delayed. It was supposed to go out by the end ... 
Sonicweld or M2Tech hiFace usb to spdif converter
I have owned the HiFace and the EVO and now have the Sonicweld Diverter HR on the way. I can say based on my own experience that the CA review was garbage. Without going into detail, note who advertises on that site, Wavelength and Ayre (which lic... 
Has anyone heard Sonicweld Diverter 192
I should have my 24/192 Diverter in about two weeks. I will report my findings under the thread titled Bidat vs perfectwave.