
Responses from audiofun

Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Never heard the AA so I have no opinion. I have painstakingly broken in a DP777 and if anyone tells me it got "smoked" I have to look twice. If anything "smokes" a DP 777 I want it :)I thought the article was well written and his comparison to the... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
I have heard the AMR DP777 (in fact i just ordered one) and I thought it was the best DA I have thus far even surpassing my ridiculously good Metrum Octave/Diverter HR combination. I have listened to DCS gear before the Paganini Player I think, an... 
Metrum Octave Dac experiences
Tannoyd: Hi and thanks for the advice. I have tried it extensively and it always sound processed and less real when you go back to native resolution. I admit it can sound nice until one goes back and listens deeply into the music (especially live ... 
Metrum Octave Dac experiences
Finest dac I have ever heard PERIOD. I wrote quite a bit about it and my findings but the powers at AGON killed the thread. In my opinion upsampling has NEVER EVER sounded right (even when all the magazine gurus were busy telling us how superior u... 
Sonicweld Diverter HR, etc...
I own the Diverter HR. It is worth every single penny. I compared it to the M2Tech EVO and Hiface as well as the Kingrex UC 192 and it is far better than all of them. From what I understand the Berkley is simply the licensed wavelength implementat... 
Berning ZH230 amp
Tubgroover: I was told that most of the added weight was in fact a result of the feedback setting so perhaps you are correct concerning the tube. I did not do a comparison with low feedback and stock tubes vs the Telefunkens thus I can not speak t... 
Berning ZH230 amp
I just had the Pre 1 and the ZH 230 in my home this past weekend. I found both pieces to be exceptional. I use a mac mini feeding a Sonicweld Diverter HR which in turn feeds a Metrum Octave. My pre/amp combination consists of a Music Firs Audio Re... 
Sonicweld or M2Tech hiFace usb to spdif converter
No problem :) It is all in the sound quality of the unit. The Diverter is worth every peeny as a reference device... gotta pay to play... :)I feel that it is not out of place with my other gear and certainly raises the quality of the sound I am he... 
Sonicweld or M2Tech hiFace usb to spdif converter
The Diverter is another USB to SPDIF converter. It is $2880.00; I was saying that the Diverter is $2400.00 MORE thank the EVO. The EVO is still $500.00 :) 
Sonicweld or M2Tech hiFace usb to spdif converter
Hi Headshrinker2, I have not used any of the streamlength based gear. The Halide bridge does look nice but I own most of the Hrx collection thus I need 176.4khz capability. I have a EVO currently in for audition. It sounds very very nice. 
Sonicweld or M2Tech hiFace usb to spdif converter
Your welcome. Not sure about the show. I doubt it as I know Josh is busy building them as fast as he can :) 
Is anyone with an MSB Dac using an outboard clock?
My only concern is music at different sample rates. I have music of all sample rates up to 192khz. Pure Music does the auto sample rate change for me but if I use an external clock would I have to do this manually i.e. Change the external clock ra... 
Is anyone with an MSB Dac using an outboard clock?
Thanks so much for your well thought out and written comments! I'm actually going to take you up on it and try the black lion clock!!! :) 
Sonicweld or M2Tech hiFace usb to spdif converter
I have both of them in my system right now. I own the Diverter HR and I've owned the Evo before (the current Evo is a loaner). I'm thinking of buying another Evo for one of my other systems. I use a heavy duty linear 12 volt ps for the Evo and it ... 
USB cable..what do you have.
Larry, I have a degree in elec eng thus I have had more than a year of physics as well as A course in waveform analysis (read Applied Laplace Transforms) continuous as well as discrete mathematical study. I also took another year of physics when w...