Responses from audibleguy
Magnepan 1.7 owners and subwoofers Rel subs are the best to integrate with Maggies and most other types of speakers. They blend in well, are not noticable sonically and do provide a nice wide expansive soundstage. | |
speakers under 1,500 excellent top to bottom sound Try some usher 6311, 6371 and 6381 speakers they are excellent performers and a bargain for what is there. | |
BAT Solid State Amplifiers I agree with the above having driven Maggie 1.6, 3.5 and 3.6's as well as Spicas and Ushers, with a VK-500 with Bat Pak, not lean by any stretch, very musical. | |
Mogami 2941 cable Try Have Inc. | |
Widespread Panic on Austin City Limits... Yes I have seen this before and they are a great concert band, have most of their cd's and after awhile it tends to all sound the same but overall a great band. Their earlier recordings are good as well as some of their live cd's. | |
Speaker cables for Usher 6381's?? Other tweaks?? Try the JPS line I am using the JPS Super Blue and they sound very good with these speakers, buy the bulk cable and terminate yourself. I have also tried Analysis Plus Oval 9's and they are very good also. | |
Life after Maggies? Here is my two cents, I have had Maggie 1.6's, 2.7's and 3.5's and then Eminent Tech. lft-8a's and loved all of them and used all of the maggie's with subs, but wanted to go back to dynamic speakers and listened to all types, recently settled on a... | |
Melos SHA Gold - what may be the fix.. hi, for what it is worth when i had a melos sha gold and melos audio restoration could not fix the problems i had i contacted george kaye (now of moscode tube amp fame)and he was able to fix the unit and was familiar with the circuit in the melos ... | |
Wilson Watt Puppy 7 Blowen tweeters? I have been reading the Audiogon forums for quite some time and ocassionally have had to ask some questions but there are a few of you out there that play games and treat these people that ask questions like morons, why don't you just stop all the... | |
AC/DC remasters.... You can't beat Highway to Hell probably my favorite next to Black on Black. | |
Am I underpowering my Magnepan 3.6's? These Maggie speakers like a lot of juice to make them come alive, have tried mine with Pass Aleph's , Levinson, Legacy monoblocs, and the only two I found to drive them very well was the Bryston monoblocks ans the Rogue Audio monoblocks in the re... | |
Which Sunfire Sub for my Magnepan 1.6's Why don't you consider the REL line of subs the strata and storm are excellent subs and mate quite well with the maggies. | |
Loreena McKennitt and Eva Cassidy With regard to Eva Cassidy you may also want to try her collaboration with Chuck brown titled, "The Other Side" on label. This could be one of her best. | |
Melos 333 R or BAT VK5i As a previous owner of two pieces of Melos gear, preamp and phono stage, the photentiometer remote control can become troublesome over time and the only place to get the bulbs is MAR in Vegas. Also with the demise of Melos, the only place that wil... | |
which amp for legacy focus Why not try their monoblock amps? They are very nice sounding and may mate well with their speakers.Contact me as I have a friend who is selling a pair of them. |