Responses from atmasphere
Class D for Repatriated Merlin TSM MMI I believe Ralph’s Class D are $8K and sold out for the moment. The guy who’s advice would be best is Rich Brkich at Signature Sound in Liverpool, NY. @sbank @derekw_hawaii Our class D amp is about 5400/pair right now. FWIW Rich just picked u... | |
Whizzer cone drivers enabled by the lack of hysteresis inherent in all inductor and capacitor based crossovers. I get why driving speakers directly can sound better, but this explanation isn't it. IME working with 'full range' drivers over the last 20 years they s... | |
Amp Internal Wire Interesting side part of the story, I noticed a main filter cap leg not soldered on the main board - totally missed by the assembly! I’ve seen a lot, that was a first for me. The leg was snipped, but no solder. @rickysnit Oops! Something like t... | |
I think I just smoked my Amp @rfnoise I don't think a filter cap failed. I think a fuse blew, which is why the amp faded out as you continued to try and power it up. The caps stored energy, which was drained off by trying to restart the amp. Open it up and see if there are a... | |
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”? @rauliruegas I'm guessing you didn't read my last post without rancor. Here it is again: Raul, you seem to be missing something here. Clearly, analog has been competing 'against it' for a very long time. You don't have to know anything technical... | |
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding? I have measured the impedance between the ground of the RCA input/output and the chassis. You’re right - it’s 0.01 ohms. Seems like there’s a poor grounding on the inlet. I wrote to EAR if that’s on purpose or not. Thanks! What can I do to fin... | |
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”? Analog can't compete against it and I don't have and even do not read yet any real/true evidence in favor of analog/tape vs digital: @rauliruegas @mikelavigne Raul, you seem to be missing something here. Clearly, analog has been competing 'ag... | |
Tube PHONO preamp interference - RFI, EMI, bad grounding? I have measured the impedance between the ground plug on the inlet and the grounding pin of the chassis (or any screw) - it’s 33.2 ohms. REF150 - the impedance between the ground on the inlet and any screw on the chassis - 0.01 ohms (0.00-0.02) ... | |
Two amps into one pair of speakers DO. NOT. DO. THIS. | |
Amp Internal Wire Ralph, I didn't understand that statement. Are you talking about frequency of mechanical vibration, and what aspect is the comparison about? Not vibration- dielectric constant, which affects the quality of the capacitor that is formed between t... | |
Class D Amplification Announcement At what point do you guys say that your gear is "close enough" and start listening to music intentionally? I have recordings I recorded and mastered. I was there at the musical event. I use these recordings for reference, since I was there. I r... | |
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”? I remember that when I posted that a difference in digital recording for the better was that bass range can be recorded stereo due that digital has no limitation as analog that always needs the bass range mono and you posted that even that it c... | |
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”? Yes, I've met Stan. He was very nice, liked our room and Canto General which I played for him. If you think digital is 'immutable' think again- why do people endlessly talk about which site has the better file to stream, which CD is the better ... | |
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”? In the other side and talking of that specs " tree " in those old times the Studer R2R mike owns were not designed for home use by audiophiles but to be used by recording studios and Studer was not the only R2R with the quality levels for that ki... | |
Amp Internal Wire I’m not getting into the debate over conductor material but would recommend Teflon for the insulator. Why? High melting temperature so less likely to damage it while soldering and then there is the whole low dielectric absorption thing. Teflon ... |