

Responses from atmasphere

When were the best tube amps made?
Which modern 6SN7 are better than NOS? I currently use Ken-Rad VT-231 from the 1940s in the input stage of my integrated 300B SET. They are not the most expensive NOS but still to change the pair of these tubes is expensive for me. The Linlai 6... 
Impedance and Sensitivity
@dsper You have put your finger on why lower powered amps also have less gain, since its an expectation they will be used with a more efficient loudspeaker. A higher powered amp usually needs more gain since its more likely to be used with a low ... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
As the GAN1 is a PWM amplifier controlled by digital timing signals mainly, and not attempting track an analoig signal with high precision as would be required in a Class D amplifier, would the GAN1 be less sensitive to some of the issues you hav... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
@donnylovely There's no hate involved. If that were so my posts would be a lot different 😉  The trick on the internet is to not take things personal. That's when you get into trouble. I don't claim to know everything either- but I've learned that ... 
When were the best tube amps made?
what are the tubes nowadays like? I keep getting the impression that NOS are the best @lohanimal That depends on the tube. I think most of the NOS tubes are better than a lot of the new pentode power tubes.... but there are some excellent 6SN7s... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
You have already stated that you thought op amps have no sound (are neutral). This has been refuted by hundreds of posts all over the net. Let us hear your story....if you think I am making up a story about you. Opamps: the more important aspec... 
Buzzing from speakers on TT rig
^^ @mofojo Yes, a new wire set would fix it. But a wire attached to the base and run to the chassis of the phono preamp likely would too. If it does not, it means that the wire that goes past the bearings of the arm to the arm tube is broken. Tha... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
However, that is where you stop. Caddock resistors do not measure better than other low inductance resistors....in fact, they do not sound nearly as good as parallel Nude Vishays.... Caddock has several model lines. The most commonly available ... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
So, you are clearly stating that changing parts does not matter because you have no test results that show that they do? As long as the amp measures the way you want then it does not matter what part you use? You earlier stated that a LOT of what... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
Ralph, You have stated a couple or more times now on Audiogon that you can measure parts....here is your latest: "Actually, a lot of the things in the list above do have measurable effects. The trick is knowing what to measure." You have never gi... 
What Does It Take To Surpass A SME V?
@dover Thanks for your comments! Based on your comments i think its very possible that I've not experienced the arm with the right cartridge. It is true that you only need 2 connections for a balanced line; since this would leave the arm tube ungr... 
To Tube or not to Tube, that is the question
This seems to be a typo, did you mean theST35 is a linear triode? @bruce19 No. The feedback is taken from the speaker terminals and then applied to an early point in the amplifier circuit; in this case the cathode of the input tube. In the ori... 
To Tube or not to Tube, that is the question
@bruce19 The advantage this amp has over the ST70 is twofold. First, the output transformers (if they are the same design as the original) have better performance. The second advantage is a bit harder to explain but I'll try: Like the ST70 this a... 
What Does It Take To Surpass A SME V?
The mighty ET2 was left out of that exclusive club. Never owned the Triplanar, but have owned the SME5 and the Graham and still own the ET2. In the ways that matter to me, and with the many cartridges of both the MC and MM variety that I have use... 
Compact ~20WPC Tube Amp
it is simply using the first section of the 6SN7 as a grounded cathode volt-amp DC coupled to the second triode and then capacitor coupled to the 300B grid. This amp does not do the 300B justice (I’ve built it before). As you know a circuit lik...