Responses from atmasphere
To Hot to Handle? If the amplifier is not class A, the heat of the tubes will be minimal. You might be suprised how much heat a transistor amp can make too- sometimes not really a lot less then a tube amp. A lot is depending on how you play the system and the class... | |
what is DC leakage? Can it rip my Revel M20? See if you can get someone to help you measure for a DC voltage on the speaker terminals of the amp. If there is none present, it was a coincidence. | |
Atma-sphere MP-1 vs Mark Levinson 32 Hi Rushton, Thanks for the kind words.I thought I might point out FWIW that in the last four years or so since you heard an MP-1 a lot has changed (we got a Golden Ear Award too...), as you might expect. The Aesthetix gear continues to be fine equ... | |
Trelja and friends in New York, 2004 There are two 'sources', both LP. The fist is if you can find the original radio-play LPs. These are very rare. I've never seen them. The second is if you can find 'Rhapsody in PINK (the Psychedelic Years) by the Screaming Abdabs. Obviously a boot... | |
Trelja and friends in New York, 2004 We agree on more then that. The problems with re-amplification- well, they suck. I too prefer the close mics, although:If you ever get a chance to hear the recordings that the BBC made of rock bands back in the early 70s (I have one of Pink Floyd)... | |
Trelja and friends in New York, 2004 Yes, that's precisely my point. The Bass Guitar cabinet is self resonant, and then that sound is close miked, so that's what is recorded. So we have become acustomed to this sound in rock recordings, but its not right. Not right anyway, if you go ... | |
Trelja and friends in New York, 2004 Well heck, we got *good* reviews back then!I must admit that the Gilmores had me thinking about the nature of reality. I am so used to box speaker presentation, especially in the bass, that the way these speakers make bass was really something dif... | |
Trelja and friends in New York, 2004 hi Trelja,I thought I might add my two cents regarding the Atma-Sphere/Gilmore match. I started playing string bass in 7th grade and have continued to this day in various groups and orchestras over the years. So far the Glimore has presented the m... | |
Anything Like a Joule Electra? I suppose I ought to respond to that one.The ZERO is an autoformer- the simplest type of transformer available. It has only one winding and does not block DC. Additionally, its turns ratio is exceptionally low, as the translation in impedance is t... | |
Phase Inversion I thought Clark Johnson wrote the Wood Effect.Most recording engineers are unconcerned with polarity. As a result roughly half of all recordings are incorrect. You will want a switch to do the job- getting up to change the speaker cables can get t... | |
balanced is inherently flawed Hi Sean, I'm not a big fan of the DIN plugs either. I was just commenting that they seem to be a sort of British/Euro tradition. Get careless, trip on the cable or step on a connector on the floor and its toast. I had to make up the cable for the ... | |
balanced is inherently flawed Hi Sean,The interface to a speaker really depends on the amp, not the speaker. The reason is that the speaker floats, and if you change the connections to it, all that changes is the phase. OTOH, some amps drive a speaker SE and others are balance... | |
balanced is inherently flawed OK- good questions. Here we go:I use tubes because the distortion they generate is less annoying to the human ear then the distortion of transistors. This has to do with odd-ordered generation that transistors do. Even in vanishingly small amounts... | |
balanced is inherently flawed Hi HermanI see that you do not understand how balanced signals works. That's OK. Here's a short primer:Any signal source (transducer: either electromechanical, inductive or light) that does not use ground as a reference is a balanced source. What ... | |
balanced is inherently flawed Hi Herman,Its obvious to me that you're not getting what I am talking about else you would not be responding this way. I'll try it another way, maybe you'll see.One of the things balanced does for you is it helps get rid of cable problems. That is... |