

Responses from atmasphere

Anything Like a Joule Electra?
I suppose I ought to respond to that one.The ZERO is an autoformer- the simplest type of transformer available. It has only one winding and does not block DC. Additionally, its turns ratio is exceptionally low, as the translation in impedance is t... 
Phase Inversion
I thought Clark Johnson wrote the Wood Effect.Most recording engineers are unconcerned with polarity. As a result roughly half of all recordings are incorrect. You will want a switch to do the job- getting up to change the speaker cables can get t... 
balanced is inherently flawed
Hi Sean, I'm not a big fan of the DIN plugs either. I was just commenting that they seem to be a sort of British/Euro tradition. Get careless, trip on the cable or step on a connector on the floor and its toast. I had to make up the cable for the ... 
balanced is inherently flawed
Hi Sean,The interface to a speaker really depends on the amp, not the speaker. The reason is that the speaker floats, and if you change the connections to it, all that changes is the phase. OTOH, some amps drive a speaker SE and others are balance... 
balanced is inherently flawed
OK- good questions. Here we go:I use tubes because the distortion they generate is less annoying to the human ear then the distortion of transistors. This has to do with odd-ordered generation that transistors do. Even in vanishingly small amounts... 
balanced is inherently flawed
Hi HermanI see that you do not understand how balanced signals works. That's OK. Here's a short primer:Any signal source (transducer: either electromechanical, inductive or light) that does not use ground as a reference is a balanced source. What ... 
balanced is inherently flawed
Hi Herman,Its obvious to me that you're not getting what I am talking about else you would not be responding this way. I'll try it another way, maybe you'll see.One of the things balanced does for you is it helps get rid of cable problems. That is... 
balanced is inherently flawed
Hi all, sorry it took a while to get back to this.Herman thought I did not present some balanced sources, so I will repeat myself. Nearly all phono cartridges made today are balanced sources: the Shure M-95 from 30 years ago was a balanced source,... 
balanced is inherently flawed
Dang! Spot on!I can't tell you how often I have people call me thinking they have a 'balanced' input on what is clearly a single-ended amp! Just 'cause you have that connector- don't let that fool ya.I would think that it goes without saying that ... 
balanced is inherently flawed
Thanks for the input Sean, one always needs to know that there is sanity out there.As you pointed out about the noise thing, I did use on purpose 'in theory'. In practice unless your circuit is way extra bad, 5db is easy. That means 10 db less noi... 
balanced is inherently flawed
Hi folks,Hate to bring this up but all of Herman's arguments are completely flawed! As you might expect me to say, but all I have to say is, if you've not tried it, you have no idea what you're missing.I'll give you some examples (refer to the lea... 
Negative feedback, voltage and output impedance
The idea that:>Amp's input and driving stages do definitely have a feedback so the statement "no feedback" isn't truthful in any case.-is incorrect. It is quite possible to build an entire amplifier without feedback of any kind.There are two ty... 
Negative feedback, voltage and output impedance
Hi Marakanetz,Just FWIW, as a manufacturer I have to be careful what I say as this forum is moderated. At the same time what I am expressing is actually the way I see it and that has served me pretty good so far for the first 26 years or so anyway... 
Negative feedback, voltage and output impedance
Traditionally the accepted notion is that adding negative feedback will decrease voltage gain in an amplifier and also decrease the output impedance. However it is interesting to note that the addition of negative feedback will not alter how much ... 
What is the amp for magnepan's: tube or solid?
If you can find a proper tube amplifier, word up is that is a much better way to go. Magnaplanars can reveal quite a bit that you may not want to hear from a transistor amplifier. Although usual word is that you need a 'high current' amp for these...