

Responses from atmasphere

Direct drive/rim drive/idler drive vs. belt drive?
I've been working with a modified form of the old Empire table for some years now. It has a very powerful motor that has a lot of torque, runs at high speed and has a lot of flywheel action. Years ago I ran an electronics service center- while the... 
Triplanar RCA out to Balanced out for MP-1
Lewm and Nandric, this is why I recommend that the tone arm ground wire and the shield both be tied to pin 1 of the XLR. No hum problems! I have even used Kimber wire between the arm and preamp (using an SME V, not a Triplanar) and no hum at all.A... 
Pick 2... Ohm WMT,ML Source,Zu Druid,Gallo Ref 3.1
We've played the Druids in a variety of situations. It does help them to have some power behind them, even if you don't use it. They work quite well on solid state too (I am partial to tubes of course :) Sounds to me like you will need to do some ... 
Triplanar RCA out to Balanced out for MP-1
Hi Nandric, tie the ground connection of the arm to pin 1 of the XLR. If the shield has 2 conductors inside, then the shield will tie to pin 1 of the XLR also. That way you get a proper balanced connection from the arm to the preamp. 
Help with final choice of efficient speakers
You might also consider the Audiokinesis speakers- they are highly resolved and easy to drive. Duke is conservative about his ratings, compared to a lot of other manufacturers. 
ICE amps vs analog amps for bass
The Legacy Studio monitors are Voltage Paradigm devices. So if you are looking for better bass on them, I would look into placement that allows you to take advantage of corners in the room, shorten the speaker cables if you can, stuff like that. 
What do you see as the downside of tubes?
We ran tube-based regulation for years. I'm as a big a fan of tubes as anybody, but when we developed a proprietary regulator for high voltage, it was **immediately** so much better than the tube circuits that there was no going back.There are a l... 
ICE amps vs analog amps for bass
Sgr, if your speakers are 98 db, its very likely that they will not play very good bass using an amplifier with a high damping factor.The reason is that a high damping factor is synonymous with amplifiers that can double the power as impedance is ... 
Need Help Choosing a Tube Preamp for a Classe Amp
If you can go with balanced, it will reduce the sonic artifact of the interconnect cables. If done right, balanced line will allow you to go with very inexpensive cables with no sonic artifact at all. I've seen $85.00 cables (25 feet long) replace... 
Why Linear Tracking never took off?
I got my first linear tracker, a Garrard Zero-100, in 1974. When I first saw their ad I thought they had the Holy Grail. After getting the machine, I wished dearly for 2 things: that it was manual operation from the ground up, and that they had sp... 
Need Help Choosing a Tube Preamp for a Classe Amp
Does the Classe have a balanced input? Would you like balanced operation? 
Jolida 102B - enough power for Smaller Advents?
Matyas, I too just had the speakers lying around. I find them wildly inaccurate- about all they are good for is figuring out if I have the notes right :)Unless you have very modest requirements (very small room, near-field listening, background mu... 
Amplifier question for powering Wilson Sophia
Richard_stacy, Daryl has told me that also. However if you look at the design the speakers have taken over the years it is apparent that they are favoring tubes over transistors. The Watt is a great example- it has always been known for its 2-ohm/... 
Graham Phantom vs Triplaner
I too have never experienced a 'drift' in VTF. I have 3 arms and they all behave the same way. In fact that has always been one of the nice things that the Triplanar has always been about- set it and forget it.The Phantom seemed a huge improvement... 
Amplifier question for powering Wilson Sophia
Jtwrace, Wilson has used ARC for many years, and ARC has had Wilson for many years- no secret there! But Wilson's national sale manager used our gear in his own system at home for years also. ARC and Atma-Sphere both can make some power, but are v...