Responses from atmasphere
Who is the KING of MONOS? Rockitman, there are more class A amps on the list than Pass Labs. Well, at least *one* more anyway. | |
Amps for Sasha I would definetively take the stereophile measurements seriously ,i consider it a magazine with a more scientific aproachAndromedaaudio, take a look at this link: does not recognize ... | |
What does one purchase after owning horns? Weseixas, I think T-Bone has a good point- where is the science that says that horns are 'discombobulated'? Do you have a link that is peer-reviewed? | |
when do you replace capacitors? Smoffatt the thermal grease is not an insulator in case you got that from Minorl's comments. But if it is dried out, heat will not transfer and so the transistor can overheat and possibly short.The best kind of grease is white. There is a clear va... | |
help me to understand the gain We have an amp that has only 23 db of gain. It works really well with ZU speakers too.The problem you are having is classic- a DAC with too much output. I don't understand why DAC manufacturers do this- to me it seems like a fundamental misunderst... | |
Mosfet mist? I've been studying that very question for the last year or so. There are advantages to each, but in my case I think I would go with the MOSFETs for the additional linearity- I like to run things zero feedback. | |
Scott 222 B tube amp The process of re-forming caps does work; the problem you may well run into is the fact that quite often the caps have dried up over the decades as they are not perfectly sealed. In some cases if you look at the bottom of them, you may find that t... | |
Reel to Reel decks If you want to lubricate any bearing set in most tape machines, an excellent lubricant for the job is Dextron-style automatic transmission fluid. Usually only a few drops are required. A common problem in many Japanese tape machines is the pinch r... | |
Mosfet mist? Mustagefan, yes. This was more of a problem during the lateral MOSFET period. These days you see more of the vertical MOSFETs. I think what has happened is that in the old days designers did not always take the input capacitance of the devices int... | |
Scott 222 B tube amp You did well on the price!- properly refurbished they can be quite nice sounding. However unless you have it on good information that the unit has been recently serviced, I would not run it until you have the power supply rebuilt with new filter c... | |
What does one purchase after owning horns? Weseixas, when I use the term 'efficient' or 'efficiency' with regards to speakers its usually with the 1 watt/1 meter spec in mind. If you say 'sensitive' or 'sensitivity' to me in the same context I assume you are talking 2.83V/1 meter.Not into ... | |
What does one purchase after owning horns? Before Y'all go calling Unsound and Weseixas trolls, consider the fact that their advocacy is what keeps certain parts of this community on their respective toes. I for one value their input, even though I often disagree. If they can present an ar... | |
What does one purchase after owning horns? Unsound, with respect to Even without things like vented baskets, and ferrofluid cooling, dynamic tweeters are typically capable of providing more than enough volume for typical rooms.IMO the issue is one of how relaxed the sound is. Its been my e... | |
Mosfet mist? The 'MOSFET mist' is a term coined that points to the problems of driving extremely capacitive inputs of the output devices of a MOSFET-based amplifier. If the driver circuitry lacks the current to deal with this capacitance, there will be a high ... | |
What does one purchase after owning horns? Weseixas, here is my comment:Regular dome tweeters don't handle very much power (2 watts is common).I am not saying that 'a dome tweeter cant[sic] handle more'. To misquote me here and then knock down the resulting argument is a logical fallacy ca... |