

Responses from atmasphere

The search among the great ones - 20k+ speakers
The reason I continue to show with Classic Audio Loudspeakers at shows including the recent RMAF is that I feel that he makes some of the best speakers out there. Easy to drive (98 db), easy impedance for tubes (16 ohms), bandwidth to the bottom o... 
Actually difference between class A and AB?
I find that class A amplifiers play bass better as well as being smoother in the mids and highs. They can also be more detailed as they make less distortion.BTW/FWIW there is no such thing as A/AB. That would simply be an AB amplifier. If you see ... 
What happens to an amp below 2 ohms?
Rleff, its a matter of power- in some rooms you have enough power with MA-1s on the big Sound Labs and in some rooms you simply need more. But you would not need ZEROs in any event.Bombaywalla, the word was 'phrase', not 'phase'... 
Quad 989 vs. SoundLab Millennium 2
Scousepasty, uh, sure- I was helpful somehow??FWIW about 80% of our MA-2s production seem to be running on Sound Labs. 
Atma-Sphere MA-2 amplifier
Gee- thanks guys :)I'm at RMAF right now and its been a blast. 
What happens to an amp below 2 ohms?
Are you saying that people who have electrostatic or ribbon or planar speakers where the load impedance dips below 2 Ohms are not enjoying quality sound & that they are merely reveling in high SPL music environments in their respective homes??... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Aigenga, I can tell you this: the main thing that causes speed stability problems is not bad caps but dirty speed selection switches and dirty speed controls. So if you have a variable speed feature this is the first place to look.Radio Shack make... 
Why are modern arms so ugly?
Dan_ed, thanks. I did not want to say that myself. Halcro and I must have very different taste :) 
Why 24/7 warm-up period on amps?
ROMEX is 100% soft annealed copper, it is simply the AWG size that limits flex.Its solid wire. Even if it were 20 gauge it can still break...You can run equivalent AWG stranded copper cords straight from the box (hard-wire, no connectors)to your d... 
What is the best Reel To Reel machine ever built?
Sam, the best mixer for on-location is none at all if you can get away with it!I use Neumann U-67s. They have their own faults but those are far outweighed by their benefits :) 
Why are modern arms so ugly?
A fundamental issue that occurs with every arm I have seen that gets good marks for appearance the the design of the bearings. More to the point the bearings are positioned outside of the plane of the LP surface, resulting in variable tracking for... 
What happens to an amp below 2 ohms?
Isn't sound quality everyone's goal? Surprisingly, no. Many audiophile revel in that fact that they can weld with their amp, or drive loads like that, even though there is no sonic benefit whatsoever in doing so. 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
It does seem odd that the owner of a business that thrives on selling used gear would make the statements about dd attributed to him by Henry or Henry's source. Based on the results of my Google search, those Denon chips seem to be available all o... 
What is the best Reel To Reel machine ever built?
Transaudio is correct; the Crown was originally designed to be able to survive a fall off of a donkey. For real.The weakness in them is the electronics. Seems to me there was an original version that was tube, but I have never seen one... anyway, ... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
I have to agree with Lewm on this one. I made my living for decades servicing all sorts of audio gear. I would regard it as highly unusual to see a chip failure!!That is worth repeating: I would regard it as **highly unusual** to see a chip failur...