

Responses from atmasphere

Is a vinyl rig only worth it for oldies?
It does not matter the master tape. You will find the LP to be the truer playback. If you spend some time in a recording studio you run into these comparisons all the time.For example, we always record analog with a 24-bit digital backup. The anal... 
My tube amp sounds darker now.
You might also want to test the tubes. If they are weak (especially driver tubes), that can easily contribute to darkness in the amp. 
Amp preamp impedance matching...can anyone explain?
As a simple rule of thumb most any transistor preamp can drive any tube amp.Its not always the other way 'round as pointed out above. (FWIW we get around the problem by direct-coupling and using paralleled tube sections to obtain a low output impe... 
Rabco SL-8E Tone Arm
Depending on how well the servo is set up, it really can be a linear tracker, much more so than any of the air bearing arms I've seen. This is because its lateral and vertical tracking mass is the same. On an air bearing, the cartridge cantilever ... 
TriPlanar Tips
Dan_ed, cheap shots aside, you failed to answer the question, and I see that no-one else has come forward in the meantime.So here is the challenge, as I see it. If you really want to compare nearly any bit of equipment, the problem is establishing... 
Is a vinyl rig only worth it for oldies?
I'm sorry Raul, maybe its a language thing. I think I stated it several times in this thread but let's be clear:1) Make a good recording; a good master tape2) release it on LP and CD3) compare what you hear to the master tapeNow you should know th... 
Rabco SL-8E Tone Arm
Oldears, you can eliminate the servo noise by updating the servo! Its not hard... 
Opinions on Magnepans sales/marketing approach to
The 20.7 is one of the better deals in loudspeakers today. If you like the 3.7 you'll like the 20.7 too. 
Don't use this to lube your VPI Classic bearing
Inverted bearing? OK ATF won't do for that... 
Rabco SL-8E Tone Arm
The original servo is junk but its easily fixed. 
Is a vinyl rig only worth it for oldies?
What you hear are all those LP playback distortions and not what is in the recording. Those playback added distortions never existed in the recording process. All what you are saying happen because those non-existen distortions I repeat: NON EXIST... 
Don't use this to lube your VPI Classic bearing
If you want an excellent lubricant for all things turntable and tape machine, Dextron style automatic transmission fluid is an excellent choice. A few drops is good in any TT main platter bearing, and if you have to lubricate a motor it works well... 
Tube amp for ProAc Tablette Anniversary
Traditionally the Tablette is a very easy load. I remember playing them with an experimental set of our amplifiers way back in 1986... the amps later became what we today call the M-60. They played very convincingly together! 
TriPlanar Tips
I don't get the Talea thing at all. Every time I have heard one, they sounded light in the bass. The Triplanar easily beats it in this department. But OTOH, I say that coming from the perspective of having the master tape of the LP and was there w... 
Is a vinyl rig only worth it for oldies?
for me the music foundation belongs to the bass low bass and here the LP alternative can't even dream what the digital can do even the redbook is better than the LP compared to live music at 3-4 meters from the source.Boy, the ability to play bass...