Responses from atmasphere
The future of preamps if his source has volume control" it will be the most transparent, dynamic, and least coloured way of getting the sound of the CDP/DAC to the poweramps.Georgelofi, this is not really true, unless that source also has the ability to control the cab... | |
The future of preamps 'Flat earth' usually has something to do with a lack of math coupled with ignorance. Here are the issues of what a passive has to face:With any passive volume control the control element is a series element with the source. The more you have to tu... | |
The future of preamps Audiolabyrinth, it uses a servo that corrects the DC. The servo also lets you know if there is a problem it can't correct. Its simple, and very reliable. The actual circuit does not want to make large amounts of DC in the first place so the servo ... | |
To Tube or not to Tube...... Ebuzz, make sure you have checked to see if there are any potential issues with the tube amp driving the loudspeakers you have. | |
Benefit of low output moving-iron Grado ? You might want to experiment with loading. We had a ZYX Universe that was very nice, one day the needle just decided to let go of the cantilever and that was that.So we installed a wood-body Grado we had on hand. Its 5mV. It was also a little upfr... | |
The future of preamps Audiolabyrinth, I think I need to clarify that. I think there are maybe 3-4 tube preamps with direct-coupled outputs (Berning made a hybrid called the TF-10 years ago, there was the Messenger and we make two of them. Pretty sure Krell was not talk... | |
Warm, Smooth yet Transparent Amp Denon53, yes, I get accused of that occasionally :) | |
The future of preamps Audiolabyrinth, despite what you quoted in the manual, that idea that somehow tube preamps have DC at their output is a myth! Most tube preamps have a coupling capacitor at their output and so cannot produce DC. I suspect that is something concoct... | |
Tube preamp question :) you missed one, in a way the granddaddy of them all.The Atma-Sphere MP-1 was/is the world's first balanced line preamp, having been introduced in 1989. It is unusual in that it is also all-tube, but has a direct-coupled output, something unusua... | |
The future of preamps I'm a bit confounded why it would be implicitly, and quite arrogantly assumed I'm not using my ears when stating the above; I most certainly base my findings on actual listening impressionsPhusis, I would guess that the reason is you have had a sp... | |
Warm, Smooth yet Transparent Amp FWIW this is all about distortion. Solid state amps have a harshness due to trace amounts of odd ordered harmonics (5th and above) that the ear uses to sort out how loud a sound is. It is because of the latter fact that the human ear is very sensi... | |
To Tube or not to Tube...... One of the more legendary guitar amps was made by Sunn, and was nothing more than a Dynaco MkIII. Looked a lot nicer than the Dynaco though :) | |
tube amps and electrostatics ^^ Yup! We shown with Roy's speakers at audio shows in the past. Never had a problem with them. | |
good preamp for dynaco mk3 monoblocks with maggies You could always find a used Dynaco PAS-3 and pay to have someone refurbish it. With some simple mods that preamp is a giant killer... | |
The future of preamps another situation is that I cannot use typical tube pre-amps or sources direct to amp, or I would have to activate the coupling capacitors that are not active inside the amp to protect is from tube unstableness!Audiolabyrinth, best I can make out,... |