

Responses from atmasphere

tube amps and electrostatics
Ralph and Al, the discussion begs the question of how can one know whether an ESL was voiced to be driven by a tube versus SS amp. Obviously Sound Lab ESLs were designed to be tube friendly, ergo Ralph's comment that his amps have been coupled wit... 
tube amps and electrostatics
Here is what is real... the feedback used in transistor amps is what keeps them from destroying the speakers. That same feedback is also one of the things that makes a transistor amp bright. It can do that to tube amps too, but tubes can run with ... 
tube amps and electrostatics
Al, as most here already know, is one of the more knowledgeable contributors on this website. I feel really fortunate that we often agree :) Al did indeed get it right, as usual. The problem you often run into when trying to use solid state with E... 
Who makes
Cdc, FWIW, the example you cited of the Zamp cannot be correct at least not into any known speaker load.The power formula is P= Voltage X CurrentWhen related to Ohm's Law the power formula can all be shown be P=Current squared x ResistanceThe lowe... 
tube amps and electrostatics
And what you would have also heard was a more defined and extended treble because those quads and these (ML's Acustats and other els's) go below 1ohm in the treble and start that impedance dip at 10khz.Tubes I aggree with these speakers still soun... 
Who makes
^^ Cdc, its actually simple math. All speakers are driven by power and if the amp can make the power into the speaker the voltage and current will be exactly the same regardless of the amplifier.Obviously there is more to it than that- what is goi... 
tube amps and electrostatics
Regardless, the ability of an amp to double power as impedance is cut in half is not an advantage on an ESL. This is because the speaker really wants to see constant power regardless of its impedance at a particular frequency, as the impedance cur... 
Who makes
The way to get a conventional solid state amplifier to operate in the Power Paradigm would be to add some current feedback, but not so much that it acts like a 'current source' device. To my knowledge, no such products exist - for now. If you want... 
just an observation for comment
The LP collector rule of thumb is to seek the original LP from the first stampers from the country of the recording's origin. Its rare that any reissue will sound better. This is because there is a feedback loop between the record label and the ar... 
Balanced or single ended phono stage?
^^Its not a matter of tube vs solid state! A balanced solid state unit has a better chance of sounding like music than a single-ended circuit, the same is true of balanced tube preamps.Balanced line operation is simply a better way of handling cab... 
What is Imaging?
'Imaging' is the goal of stereophonic audio reproduction as laid out by Blumlein over 60 years ago.It works pretty good!The Image should be able to appear in space in a way that is nearly independent of the loudspeakers. Anyone who has heard Amuse... 
What happens when a tube amp fails?
Sheesh. The tube amps have the tubes in sockets for a reason. The reason is they are user-replaceable, like a light bulb. The usual remedy is to install a new tube when one fails. Its not rocket science. Some power tubes will require some adjustme... 
SET amps ?
^^ not sure I would agree with that (I think there are better amps for efficient speakers...) but it is true that if you want to hear what a SET can do you need efficient speakers, otherwise you won't hear the 'magic'. 
Balanced or single ended phono stage?
The length of the cable is not relevant- balanced will sound better even if its only 6". There are several advantages to balanced operation, particularly with a phono setup. First, the cartridge is a balanced source. That is why you have that sepa... 
tube amps and electrostatics
Bombaywalla, yes, Roger sets the impedance of his ESLs quite low, to make them more compatible with solid state. ...the Moscode 600 is a hybrid employing Mosfet output stage, even though it has a lot of watts!!, mosfets don't do current like a BJT...