Responses from atmasphere
More Tubes = Better Sound If you are going to have multiple power tubes, it is best to have a lot, assuming there is a mechanism to allow for current sharing among them. The bigger problem in dealing with high powered tube amps is actually the output transformer, but that ... | |
Experience with Transcriptor Turntables? I fixed an aweful lot of those things while I was going to engineering school (I worked in a consumer electronics repair operation). They could be quite finicky to set up but seemed to hold together if transported properly to their residence.I was... | |
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above? one Preamp that would be a serious challenge to the Takumi K-10 is the Balabo BC-1 MKII. These two Preamps are at the top of the mountainI take it this 'mountain' has a large flat surface at the top. | |
Is it possible to have Good Imaging close to wall Mapman you might look at the High Emotion Audio if space is a concern. The tweeter is very fast and neutral, as well as nearly omni-directional. You can place them very close to the rear wall- 1.5 to 2 feet works fine.[ur]http://www.highemotionaud... | |
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above? Generally speaking you want to run your digital sources at full output and use the volume control in the preamp, as usually preamps have better volume control situations than digital products do.... | |
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere I would consider removing the tubes and reinstalling them. A greater concern would be: what is the condition of the tubes? You might want to get them tested. | |
audiphile power cords Rleff, We have had good results with Synergistic Research, Purist Audio Design and Shunyata Research, for starters... | |
Cartridge, Phono Preamp Hum Is the table made of metal? | |
Any thoughts on removing a preamp from your system There is a good argument for passive when the control itself is built into the amplifier, as in an integrated amp.But when the control is in an external box, the problem is that you are totally subject to the whims of the interconnect cables.One v... | |
audiphile power cords If a simple power cords can improve the quality of sound to the extent that it warrants its exorbitant price tag, why would you not (as a designer and seller of amplifiers) sell your amplifier straight out of the box with such a power cord.The pr... | |
Tubes and vibration - Atma-sphere MA-1 The sockets on the MA-1 and all our amps are supposed to let the tubes wiggle a bit. Any good tube socket should do this to avoid shortening the life of the tube.The contacts are tin-plated. Tin, like gold, does not corrode easily or quickly, and ... | |
Is it possible to have Good Imaging close to wall IME the mbls often sound harsh because of the electronics. I have had the opportunity to play the speakers with electronics I knew and they performed quite well- not harsh at all. But its been a different matter when I hear them at shows! | |
audiphile power cords ^^ They are all important. I have to say I have not studied the matter enough to know how they all weigh out. I do know though that its harder to build the cable to have good HF response and also keep it flexible, which is required by law (you can... | |
Is it possible to have Good Imaging close to wall I have a set of Classic Audio Loudspeakers. They are 6" from the rear wall and image fine. They are nearly 3 feet deep though. We also use a set of High Emotion Audio loudspeakers at the shop. They have a unique tweeter that can radiate in nearly ... | |
Bypassing A Preamp With Volume Pot In Amp No. That is just how the gain structure worked out. Reducing the value of the control will make it harder for some sources to drive the amp. |