

Responses from atmasphere

Is it possible to have Good Imaging close to wall
I have a set of Classic Audio Loudspeakers. They are 6" from the rear wall and image fine. They are nearly 3 feet deep though. We also use a set of High Emotion Audio loudspeakers at the shop. They have a unique tweeter that can radiate in nearly ... 
Bypassing A Preamp With Volume Pot In Amp
No. That is just how the gain structure worked out. Reducing the value of the control will make it harder for some sources to drive the amp. 
audiphile power cords
Please do Ralph!Alright... With power cords its all about voltage drop across the cord. Some of that is at 60Hz, and some of that is much much higher- well above 30KHz-100KHz depending on the power supply in the unit with which it is being used.I'... 
Preamp for Aesthetix / Atma-sphere
The reason we created the MP-1 is that we needed a preamp that used the same direct-coupled technology at its output that our amplifiers use (and were looking for the same transparency thus granted by that approach). This makes it very different f... 
audiphile power cords
If anyone would like to know why power cords make a difference, I would be happy to contribute. BTW I have some measurements to back my claims. 
Zyx Universe. O.24 mv vs .48 mv with low eff spkrs
Lewm, the big problem on horns usually is not the noise of the amp but the noise of the preamp. If you knock the gain down in the power amp you thus make big strides in reducing the noise floor. 
Zyx Universe. O.24 mv vs .48 mv with low eff spkrs
The speakers at the Munich show were Hornfabrik:http://my-hiend.com/leoyeh2/2014b/IMG_3428ss.jpg 
biasing for 4 ohm speakers
The bias point on any tube is a DC value.The DC voltage drop across the output transformer is not going to change significantly even if the 4 ohm load is on the 8 ohm tap which it isn't in this case. The short answer:'No.' 
Zyx Universe. O.24 mv vs .48 mv with low eff spkrs
My guess is that once you hear the Atma amps w a suitable speaker, your only argument will be w yourself, for not doing it sooner. IMO, the Salk speakers are beautiful, real craftmanship, but clearly designed for high power SS amps. A high(er)/fla... 
Zyx Universe. O.24 mv vs .48 mv with low eff spkrs
Efficiency is pretty important if you want tube power, as tube amplifier power is more expensive. It also does not pay to work your amplifier hard regardless of the amplifier, not if you want to hear the best the amp has to offer.In my room with s... 
Speaker driver cone repair
Midwest Speaker Repair, located in Roseville, Minnesota, has a lot of experience with this sort of thing. They have been in business over 50 years. http://www.midwestspeaker.com/ 
Amplifier is now off the Power Conditioner
Most power conditioners made for high end audio do not work well with out power amps at all. In that regard you are better off plugging right into the wall. 
marantz 2225 stereo light
If the stereo light is actually good, the most common problem is alignment. The tuning meter has a relationship to the ratio detector- if the ratio detector is out of alignment, the correct setting of the meter may not be at the peak. If the unit ... 
Are There Alternatives to the Marantz 10 B ?
I've serviced all the tuners mentioned in this thread at one point or another. Even though these days my main business is building tube amps and preamps, I kept all my tuner troubleshooting gear from the old days.There are several points to keep i... 
Marantz 10b repair
I always made up the opto couplers under the assumption I would never find the originals. Seems to me most of the time the neon bulb has failed and you can re-use the LDR. I wonder if that HiFiBruce ever got his sorted tuner out? Sounds like the d...