

Responses from atmasphere

Thinking about buying a different tube preamp...
OK- my surmise was correct- you have a lot of gain with that amp. If you want the Modwight to work you will have to hand-pick the 6SN7s for low noise. This should not be that challenging- we use 6SN7s in all of our line stages and can get them to ... 
Why does my tube amp
The interface between the amp and speaker is what makes for a good combination. Its not always the case that transistors can drive any speaker made and do the job correctly.It may simply be that your speaker is designed to work with tubes and to t... 
Parasound Halo A52 keeps shutting off / protection
Another thing to try is to see if the amp will sit for hours on end with no input applied. If the preamp has a malfuction and is presenting a slight amount of DC to the amp, it could trip the protection circuit. 
What happens when you tie the ground of the SUT to the preamp While the phono ground is also at the same point? Still get the hum? 
My stereo isn't doing it for me. Need advice
Sound Anchors also makes equipment stands. I have one built custom for my preamp and turntable, each sitting on an anti-vibration platform; it has 4 shelves so the CDP is taken care of as well. I've run it this way for years. It was a nice improve... 
Thinking about buying a different tube preamp...
FWIW it sounds like the amp has too much gain.You should not have to insert a passive control to set things right- and don't think for a minute that passive controls don't have an effect! If you can eliminate it you will get more immediacy and mor... 
Wilson Sophia 89db 4 ohms and Audio Note Kits ?
No- this combination will be problematic. You need a speaker with about 10 db more efficiency to really hear what the amp can do. 
Weird problem. Bad tube or something else?
An intermittent problem like this will not turn up on a tube tester. It does appear though that one or more of the Mullards are at fault and should be returned if warranty is still available. 
The End Of Big Iron?
Mcbuddah, what is wrong with your Atma-Sphere amps? Bad tubes?A simple and inexpensive means of dealing with hot amplifiers, tube or solid state, is to install ceiling ventilation with ductwork to move the warmed air out of the building. This is v... 
What Determines The Amount Of "Current" In An Amp?
There is confusion around this topic!Power (wattage) does not exist without voltage. If on the Voltage rule, loudspeakers are described as being 'Voltage Driven'. This is a sort of shorthand- it means that the amplifier is operating as a voltage s... 
Amplifier to power JBL Voice of Theater Speakers
This kind of loudspeaker really will not sound right with transistors unless that transistor amp does not employ loop negative feedback (and most do).Such amps tend to cause a speaker like this to sound quite shrill (and is part of the reason horn... 
Why so few balanced phono inputs?
Yes this is a BAL vs UNBAL conversation. Real quick ill just say BAL is for long cable runs, that's why you always see them used in professional stage gear. The balanced circuit is a more complex one and for home audio, depending on the engineer/d... 
Tube amp to drive Dali ms5
If the Dalis have as flat an impedance curve as suggested (as the Megalines do) that will help with the use of a tube amp.None of our customers have reported any feedback (we have excellent feedback on the Megalines) so I am only going by the numb... 
The End Of Big Iron?
Basically, I have high efficiency speakers, so Class A should be no problem.Dave, those speakers are also an easy load for tube amps, which work quite well on them- several of our customers use similar JBLs (the export version). 
Planars/ Electrostats benefits over box speakers?
The Mangaplaner 20.7 is one of the better bargains in the speaker world: fast, transparent, full range and not too hard to drive.The Sound Lab is the state of the art in ESLs, and much easier to drive than Martin Logans, and usually have greater s...