

Responses from atmasphere

Amps Atma-Sphere M-60 Mono blocks OTL design
@ozzy , make sure that 6SN7 that sits in the front by itself is a -GTA or -GTB. That particular position has more voltage on it and the older GT style tubes will have a shorter life in that position. FWIW the Russian and Chinese tubes marked 'GT' ... 
Any issues to be aware of if driving SET from a balanced source?
There are two ways to do it if you want the amp to really get the full benefit of the balanced source:The first is with a high quality input transformer, which can convert from balanced to single-ended. Jensen is an excellent source for that.The s... 
Amps Atma-Sphere M-60 Mono blocks OTL design
It sounds like ozzy has gotten the amps to work in his system.I have some tips:The most important tubes for the sonics are the ones at the input of the amp. The precise location varies depending on when the amps were built (the M-60 has been in pr... 
It is a good idea to purchase a vintage tube pre-amp.
The Harmon Kardon Citation 1 preamp is excellent when properly restored. To find one like that would probably be more expensive than the preamps listed, but it can keep up with them easily. A very competent circuit!The Dyna PAS-3 is not a particul... 
Why do some tube-based power amps have back-panel replaceable fuses and others don’t?
@rlmmessenger, do you know of such an amplifier?? 
Short Lifetime for 6NS7 Tubes
For example, a couple positions in the MP-1 require a 6SN7 GTB because it can handle higher plate voltages. Just for the record, that's not the MP-1, its the MA-1 (I'm assuming this is a typo), which like all of our amps has a direct-coupled drive... 
Insane ground loop; anybody wanna try?
As I get this:The Rowland and Quicksilver work fine elsewhere in the house.With no input connections at all, the Rowland and Quicksilver hum. By itself, the Quicksilver is silent.By any chance do you have a Digital Voltmeter? There are some tests ... 
Audio compatability and testing
short sqacky sound?? Just off the top of my head, the sounds like the speakers might have been toasted.  
Amps Atma-Sphere M-60 Mono blocks OTL design
If in the driver tubes, possibly. If some of the power tubes are blown out in one channel that could do it too. Check the power tubes against what you see in this article on the Support section of our website:http://www.atma-sphere.com/Resources/6... 
When and how did you, if at all, realize vinyl is better?
The way I look at it: the ticks and pops (which can be minimized with good phono preamp design, as a poor design will have a lot more ticks and pops) exist in space separate from the music. With digital, the coloration is inherent in the music its... 
When and how did you, if at all, realize vinyl is better?
There is something therapeutic about analog sound that relaxes me that digital simply lacks. I can't explain it.Dr. Herbert Melcher has shown that the brain has tipping points. Normally music is processed by the limbic centers; this is where toe ... 
Impedance matching device
The two amps are likely not that different in sound otherwise but the Sumo has more gain.This means the preamp is not working as hard and that's likely the difference you are hearing. 
home circuit breaker - good idea or not to increase to higher amp fuse?
Its not just the breaker but the wiring as well that would have to be upgraded; doing just the breaker would result in a Fire Hazard. FWIW, a 20 amp circuit is a lot of power for an audio system and should enough, unless you have a really really b... 
Amps Atma-Sphere M-60 Mono blocks OTL design
As usual, the layout looks meticulous.I assume the front 6SN7 nearest the faceplate still has the most effect when tube rolling? Yes. It seems to sound a lot better too. In particular the phono has more gain and less noise. My workers take a lot o... 
Amps Atma-Sphere M-60 Mono blocks OTL design
I notice with concern, the MP-1 now uses only two 6SN7's per side instead of five. Hopefully we're not losing any of the good things valves bring to the table. Besides lower noise, what's your thinking Ralph? Cheaper to re-tube? Just kidding! H...