

Responses from atmasphere

Transformers humimg........again
A balanced transformer does not seem to sort the problem of DC on the line although it does have advantages.There is a simple circuit consisting of a bridge rectifier and four electrolytic capacitors (bypassing the rectifiers in the bridge in reve... 
KT88 tubes for Monos
Why- simple. You play guitar or bass- maybe you go on tour. A tube dies. If its a KT-88 its a simple matter to nip down to Guitar Center or the local guitar guru and fetch one up. If a KT150 you are so out in the cold... 
Transformers humimg........again
What is your line voltage? It should not exceed 125V for more than a second. If its high that could explain the problem. The PS Audio should be able to correct that. 
6C33C tubes - sonics, implementation & availability
There is no such thing as a 'heavy duty socket' for that tube!! The typical warmup time is about 5 minutes.We recently reissued the Novacron in an updated version. Its a popular tube with OTL manufacturers. In fact most OTL manufacturers use it; y... 
High quality Speaker switch box for multiple amps?
You would have to build a custom box. I recommend Grayhill switches if you want something that won't completely destroy the sound. You'll pay a bit for one but they are some of the best for something like that. 
6C33C tubes - sonics, implementation & availability
We were the first company in the US to use that tube (in our Novacron amplifier, about 1991). You are correct- the tube stopped production about 1999 when the plant making it went offline and was torn down. There do seem to be large numbers of the... 
Is It Safe to Warm Up Power Amps Without Speakers Attached
It depends on the amp! A H/K Citation 2, Dynaco ST-70, no worries. Our stuff is no worries. Some amps (tube or transistor) can go into oscillation. Its best to check with the manual or manufacturer.  
How much gain is needed in a Phono Preamp for a 0.2 to 0.3mv low output moving coil?
If the noise floor is low enough 57 db might be fine. But the phono gain isn't the whole thing. The gain in the line section, the gain in the amp and finally the efficiency of the loudspeakers all make a difference!So if you have 57 db, a passive ... 
Voltage source vs. current source amplifiers
In broad sense, it appears that the amplifiers that increase their power as the load impedance drops - ideally double as the load halves, are voltage sources and the ones that maintain the same power, or close to it, regardless of the load imp... 
KT88 tubes for Monos
I've used them in both a Marshall Major and a Citation 2 and they sound great. 
12au7 or 12ax7
@wolf_garcia , be careful with those gold-plated tube sockets! Gold is soft and so the socket won't survive many tube changes before the plating fails. When that happens the raw copper beneath is exposed and the socket contacts will turn black.IMO... 
Technics Grand Class 1200 SL-GAE
Technics knocked this one out of the ballpark. I only wish they had not chosen to make it look like the older SL1200s as people tend to think its the same thing; instead its really much closer to an SP10MkIII.  
Looking for speaker ideas.
Don't worry about whether the speakers will play rock. Classical is actually just as demanding.Audiokinesis is another good choice- Duke is a master of crossover design (blending the drivers) and getting extended bass impact, all at great prices. ... 
12au7 or 12ax7
The 12AX7 is the voltage amplifier in the ampThe 12AU7 is the driver tubeThe 12AX7, being upstream, will have the most sonic merit. The best made were Telefunken but are nearly impossible to find NOS at this point. So if you're rolling tubes, this... 
Technics SP-10MK3 Turntable and JP Jones Replacement Chip for MN6042