Responses from atmasphere
Beginner looking for guidance into tube sound. Tube sound is a myth save your money for better speakers. sound is not a myth. However, it is about the distortion that is made, vs the distortion ma... | |
Torture test for a TT rig! Nice that increasing the tracking pressure solved it :)This is entire off topic, but that cartridge is pretty low compliance, suggesting that its designed for a high mass arm. Perhaps the Fidelity Research? Its nice that the Triplanar will work wi... | |
Torture test for a TT rig! Well, last time I checked, the VTA was 2.1g. The recommended is 2.3. Just checked it now, it was down to 1.9!Set it right the 2.3 and the full vocal is almost all better.@mglik If I'm reading this right, it appears that you might have 'VTA' con... | |
Beginner looking for guidance into tube sound. @johnfritter If you get a tube amp use the 4 ohm taps for you connection to the speakers. Your speakers are not particularly tube-friendly due to the low impedances in the bass region (3.1 ohms). If you like what you hear, consider a speaker that... | |
Is D for Dry? Class D... Class D, good for powered subs and car stereo amps, and that’s about it. All my opinion. I agree that a good number of older class D amps were not all that musical. I heard some early examples that I would have thought were a joke were it not for ... | |
Torture test for a TT rig! If the cartridge isn't set to track heavily enough, this could explain everything that's been described. I would consider also using multiple weights supplied with the Triplanar rather than the one larger weight, so as to move some of the mass fur... | |
Sound Labs 645-8, A Review The position of the speaker away from the front wall produces a comb filtering effect in the bass. Moving the speaker just changes the position of the nodes. You can easily see them if you measure the speaker in the room.Classic standing wave b... | |
Solid state amplifiers and sound stage, especially front to back "depth" Again, i personally enjoy very much tube reproduction, but at the same time, I consider the sound stage, in particular, somewhat "artificially exaggerated" (but pleasing) after comparing it with the other system. IME it takes a really good soli... | |
Class D amps that are superior to all or most? As to the rest of the reply, you cannot have one without the other, i.e. a speaker that will do it when the amp cannot accomplish the same goal and vice versa leaves you with the system not being able to do it so with all respect, it does have ... | |
What does clipping sound like? If it's the old classic power amp type clipping, a tube amp will go into clipping before you know it's there perhaps, since tubes soft-clip. They're not 'fast enough' to saw off a waveform like it had been cut with scissors. The edges round off... | |
Class D amps that are superior to all or most? Additionally, when you look at the dynamic range capabilities of stereo source material (which is predominantly recorded at 24 bits) and the emergence of streaming high resolution two channel audio as well as Atmos surround sound, using an ampl... | |
heat Never cover vents on electronic equipment when that equipment is on. Heat is the enemy of electronics (even tubes). Covering vents on operational equipment is asking for failure! | |
Is D for Dry? Class D... Class D sounds dry and lifeless... thats all, carry onThe one I'm playing sounds neutral, smooth and relaxed, very transparent without any dryness at all. Class D amps vary in sound in much the same way that tube amps do (SET vs push-pull vs OTL a... | |
Sound Labs 645-8, A Review TacT had the very first room correction system. Accuphase made one too that we used at the 1998 Stereophile show. That was when I realized that if you had a standing wave, room correction wasn't going to fix it if the manifestation of the standing... | |
Tube Matching ?? Maxi-Matching ?? @autospec Decades ago Tektronix made a curve tracer plug-in for their oscilloscopes. It would display the linearity curve of the tube under test, allowing you to know that it was both statically and dynamically matched to another tube with the sam... |