

Responses from atmasphere

I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm bugged.
@atmasphere When I'm speaking of accuracy and it's association with color, I'm thinking about two components that measure exactly the same in every measurement undertaken. Now lets say those measurements are such that one was deemed to be an accu... 
Cartridge Loading.....Part II
Well, played many favorite records at 47k for awhile.  Didn't like it overall.  A little to bright, if that's a good analogy.  @quincy It is. If you experience brightness, IME this is because the phono section really isn't happy with RFI at its... 
I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm bugged.
@charles1dad To my understanding the idea of tone color predates audio technology.  
I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm bugged.
If we reach a point where sound quality can be accurately predicted by measurement I’d have zero resistance or issue with it. My point is acknowledging we are not remotely close to doing that now. Currently used measuring techniques seemingly ca... 
I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm bugged.
I notice no takers on the accurate contention some objectivists maintain is optimal. How would this so called accurate system play with these recording colors? And that's a simple question to answer. Accuracy contentions in audio reproduction is ... 
I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm bugged.
Many amplifiers on tested on Stereophile and ASR meet those criteria This statement is misleading IMO. Most fail requirement 1) of my prior post. If you look at the distortion amount and its spectra, you’ll find that most amps have distortion r... 
Is rectifier tube arcing a problem?
So far so good. I will keep observing. Maybe the amps are just more demanding on the tubes, and some of the old tubes I tried are just bad. @gte357s  The 5U4, being a directly heated rectifier, is a far simpler tube than a KT88 or like; I real... 
I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm bugged.
It seems many amplifiers have lots of negative feedback and they have low distortion at 20Khz. I don't think it is back in the day any more. There are lots of amplifiers on Stereophile and ASR that have very low distortion at 20Khz. Lower than t... 
What's a good amount of time to have my preamp unplugged before I swap out tubes?
A minute is fine.  
Using tube amp with electrostatic speakers.
That's not a great situation for any sort of tube amplifier, but it could be made to work I guess.  Using Autoformers from Anti-Cables would help. I can confirm that is the case. Once the impedance issue is corrected, the MLs are really fairly ... 
Has anyone heard the newest version of the Klispschhorm?
Surely, Ralph, your Classic Audio Horns are a different world than Khorns? Have you heard the 75th Anniversary ones? @mglik  I was commenting more about the issue you raised regarding sharp, honking sound of the horns Which IME isn't a th... 
Question about Cartridge Loading
That calculator is a very good tool. Don't you think? Yes. Make sure that you don't confuse milliHenrys (mH) with microHenrys (uH)! 1mH is equal to 1000uH So if you dropped 0.500mH into the calculator when it should have been 0.005mH, you'll ... 
New Analog Technology???
@autospec Try Marksman Metals in St. Michael, MN (763) 497-4640  
New Analog Technology???
They’re just lacquers. The only difference that I can sus out is that the lacquer is applied to an aluminum disc vs lacquer all the way through. In other words, it’s more of a hybrid than something new. @gregdude Actually regular lacquers are...