
Responses from atdavid

Network Switches
Yes, your ignorance is frustrating.One of the hardest electrical engineering positions to recruit for is analog design, because unfortunately too many new engineering graduates are totally caught up in a perfect digital world and have no idea how ... 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
For me personally, I find a really oakey full bodied Cab can get me to step 12 at least temporarily.  
Interconnect Directionality
New here, not "new".I don’t know why big fish in a small pond assume they are "big fish".I have made lots of real arguments. You have not made any ... at all. You made a statement that showed a lack of knowledge. I didn’t. You even agree that the ... 
Cryogenically treated cables
Oh look, more ad-homs (and inaccuracies).1) Engineering has no laws since Engineering is predominantly an applied science and hence does not specifically deal with fundamental properties of the universe, though it will use those properties and it ... 
Cryogenically treated cables
Funny, it is dogmatic attachments to faith that normally allow people to attach onto concepts that they cannot offer any proof for. Hence, they tend to attack their detractors, not the arguments offered by their detractors just as you are doing he... 
Interconnect Directionality
You are out of your depth here, so I am cutting you some slack. You don't know, and you don't have to say it because it is obvious.However, if you would like to address my arguments and redeem yourself, that would benefit you.geoffkait17,968 posts... 
Cryogenically treated cables
Ah look. More straw-man arguments. You seem to have a problem with engineers? I am going to assume you are not one? Engineers with a graduate degrees are one of the most prolific generators of patents, and patents is something you appeared to indi... 
Cryogenically treated cables
If you cannot collect your thoughts before attempting to put them down into words, maybe it is the thoughts that are at issue?Pseudo science is making claims, that you are not able to back up with anything approaching typical standards for evidenc... 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
It sounds like perhaps you have had a negative experience with life rendering your inability to laugh even at yourself. clearthink966 posts11-04-2019 12:15pmIt sounds like you have had negative experiences upgrading you're Music Reproduction Sys... 
Cryogenically treated cables
You say stubborn, I say not gullible.geoffkait17,965 posts11-04-2019 12:03pmI have 30 minutes to edit my posts. I sometimes take all 30. It would be wise to wait the customary 30 minutes before responding. Besides, you recent spate of responses... 
Network Switches
The only thing you are illustrating is your own lack of knowledge. I have developed quite a few products with Ethernet interfaces. Never once have I used a "network card". There are approximately 40-50 companies that make ICs with Ethernet interfa... 
Interconnect Directionality
You can claim that wire is directional, as it is, which will express as some reduction in SNR or IMD at some frequency bandwidth, with some given source, load, and connector and cable impedance .... because it is.You cannot claim it is "BIG" becau... 
Cryogenically treated cables
This habit of yours to completely change the text in your posts ... significantly after you have posted it, really has to stop .... no worries, I was nice enough to capture the original post already.I have a document that clearly says I am the wor... 
Cryogenically treated cables
Feel free to point out what specifically as "jibber jabber". Your post is jibber jabber. You are trying to dismiss my arguments out of hand, but you cannot even address them. Why is it that you cannot actually address my arguments? Is it that you ... 
Interconnect Directionality
"You say" ... so you created a new hypothesis for electricity that you have not shared with the scientific community at large for peer review? oooookay.So now we are down to the crux, since I pointed it out, the only justification is asymmetry, wh...