
Responses from atdavid

The science of opinion ...
Based on the responses so far, I think one can postulate that for some, they consider the people here their peers ...nonoise5,071 posts11-05-2019 11:15amI would think a poster here would be less inclined to be a sheeple than if they were in an act... 
The science of opinion ...
I am not starting to suspect, I know someone does not understand double blind testing ... well pretty much at all.With a large group, double blind testing removes individual bias, and performance issues, especially since you can look at group data... 
Perfect Path Tecnologies ‘The Gate’
I would validate with the supplier that the device is rated for 220-240V.  The way you currently have connected is 120V (hot-neutral).  
Network Switches
No, not new at all. 3 blade or 3x speed shutters were used with 16fps film early 20’s (or earlier). When the switch was made to 24fps, they dropped to 2 blades or 2x shutters, which was late 1920s.I can’t remember when 3x shutters with 24fps becam... 
Cryogenically treated cables
What I have discovered is that geoff, you are unreal. 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
I spit out my tea!   Quote from my wife, "For 100,000 dollars you think they could have figured out a dust cover." 
The science of opinion ...
They may conclude independently whether a benefit was there or not. They may conclude there was a benefit when in fact there was no perceptible change at all. When they go online and see others doing it, it reinforces their perception. This happen... 
Perfect Path Tecnologies ‘The Gate’
Beautiful system by the way. I would consider adding some diffusion as opposed to only absorption in your room, but I assume you have had someone professionally help with the acoustics? Your speakers are far enough apart and the Magicos wide enoug... 
Cryogenically treated cables
While repeating the same thing over and over again may make it true on an internet forum, for at least a few people, it does not change reality geoff.When my index of patheticity peaks and I start channelling popular movies I will let you know.  
Perfect Path Tecnologies ‘The Gate’
Oh I stand corrected OregonPapa,The 3 people who spent $5,000 with barely any information claim to have "huge" improvements in their system one of them being you. So let me get this right, you have untold amount of expensive fuses, connector treat... 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
allenf1963,But there are many documented case of paranoia :-) 
Perfect Path Tecnologies ‘The Gate’
I read your posts here, and on Facebook. I see the anger and lashing out every time someone moves your cheese. You are very good at telling others how to live, but don’t follow your own rules. You are quick to tell others their hearing is bad or t... 
Perfect Path Tecnologies ‘The Gate’
Frank isn't fooling anyone either buying a questionable "power conditioner accessory" worth 3-4x his speakers, but sure, you guys pick on me. Have at it. Nothing you can say about me changes what I wrote above.  
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
I am big enough to admit in 30+ years of being an "audiophile" / music lover I have made purchases I have regretted even after having auditioned them.  
Perfect Path Tecnologies ‘The Gate’
I 100% stand by my statement that you are bringing absolutely 0 to this thread and in fact are derailing it for your own personal agenda. You should be ashamed of yourself but probably too lacking in self awareness and too full of self importance ...