
Responses from astelmaszek

Music streamer with no DAC and no storage?
@thyname Depending on the DAC, Chromecast can sound as good as Auralic. There isn't an iota of difference on Chord DACs between streamers as they are essentially memory DACs. 
DAC upgrade
@mzkmxcv What in the world are you talking about? Denafrips Terminator is a custom board R2R DAC and doesn't use a chip for D to A conversion. It uses a FPGA chip for up sampling. 
Where do cables upgrades have the most impact?
Sellers wallet. 
Best bookshelf speakers
How about any of the Focal Shape speakers? I have a pair of 40s and 65s around the house, built in amps. Hard to beat for the money.If you want passive, add Aerial 5Ts to your audition list. I have a pair too and they are by far one of my favorite... 
Which DAC: Benchmark, Mytek, Audio Mirror, Holo Audio, Mojo Audio?
@robelvick Texture is detail. Attack is detail. Decay is detail. Both PS Audio and Chord vastly exceed Mytek and Benchmark is those areas. As they do in treble articulation.I'm not sure what you mean by detail but I just don't see it with PS Audio... 
Which DAC: Benchmark, Mytek, Audio Mirror, Holo Audio, Mojo Audio?
Qutest is neither sterile or analytical. It just is. It's natural. If the recording is sterile or analytical, the Qutest plays it that way. I've had it hooked up to the following:1.) Focal Shape 652.) Aerial 5B/5T/7T with Luxman L590AX/Luxman L507... 
Which DAC: Benchmark, Mytek, Audio Mirror, Holo Audio, Mojo Audio?
Also, best part about Chord DACs is that you can stream with a $39 Google Chrome dongle and you can't tell a difference between that and $5000 streamer. They are simply not jitter sensitive at all.  
Which DAC: Benchmark, Mytek, Audio Mirror, Holo Audio, Mojo Audio?
Brand new Chord Qutest for $1500 will simply blow any of the above DACs entirely out of the water. See the latest Stereophile review.I'll go as far as saying that Chord Mojo with a 3.5mm to RCA cable equals Mytek Brooklyn or Benchmark DAC3 in ever... 
Have you ever downgraded deliberately?
I've got multiple systems. One around $50K or so retail, another $5K or so. The $3K system puts the $50K system to shame in some areas. It's a pair of Focal Shape 65s connected to Chord Hugo 2 fed via Chromecast Audio. 
Where is my digital problem: taste, vinyl v. digital, DAC, realities, etc?
Spend 400 bucks and buy a Chord Mojo and a 3.5mm to RCA cable. Then if you like what you're hearing, sell the Mojo and spend 1500 buy Chord Qutest. 
Preamp / amplification recommendations for the SF Guarneri Homage Tradition Wenge
Audio Research VT80/LS28 comboorLuxman L509X 
Help me spec n class A AMP, power calculation 85dB @ 1W @ 1metre
Find a Luxman M800.60 watts per channel into 8 ohms is the Class A power rating taking at nearly non-existent distortion. This doubles all the way down to a maximum of 480 into 1 ohm. Actual power, according to Stereophile, is 160x160 into 8 ohms,... 
Opinions on best integrated under 10k?
Luxman L509X if you can live with an external DAC. 220 watts in 4ohms. I'd buy L509X used for 7500 and get their DA-06 DAC used for another 2500 and be done for a while. It's a sublime combination.Mark levinson ml585 if you cannot live with an ext... 
Tube amp/integrated with bass grip for Aerial 7Ts
I run Aerial 7Ts with both a LS28/VT80 combo with 75watts and Luxman L507uX with 110watts depending on the mood I'm in. I watch movies with both amps and I've never heard them clip. Aerial 7T is a 86db efficient speaker. 
Tube amp/integrated with bass grip for Aerial 7Ts
Best combo I’ve ever heard in my life was Aerial 10T and Levinson monoblocks. Granted that was long ago when I was just getting into hifi but that session stuck with me forever. I can’t imagine any Levinson not playing well with any Aerial speaker.