

Responses from artemus_5

Half speed masters. Are they worth the extra scratch?
+1 @johnto You generally have to set 45 with a different line of dots on the platter than you do with 33. At least on the older ones I had. That may be the problem you are having if you are trying to get the 33 line on platter to stabilize at 45rpm 
I'm here for the sharing, not the snobery
@hilde45I agree with your point about cherry picking. I try not to do it but know of my humanity as well. And then there is the perception of the reader. I'm not PC enough for the modern world. I'm old and my stepfather would be would be 133 yrs o... 
I'm here for the sharing, not the snobery
@djones51 It’s easy to agree to disagree on personal preference it’s only when some think personal preference are commandments or universal. BINGO!!! I agree 100%. IMO, The problem lies in writing and reading in our busy world. Both have their pro... 
Fedex Customs problem
FWIW, I bought a used amp from Canada. I've done so before so wasn't expecting the charge I got from UPS. the customs fee was $17-18. UPS fee was $65. They held it up until I paid it. Sent the same amp for upgrades and service back to Canada via D... 
I'm here for the sharing, not the snobery
As one who has recently posted a "controversial" thread I have lurked with this discussion since, for me, is kinda like saying water is wet. Everyone says they want civility when in deed, they want total agreement with their opinion. IMO, This is ... 
How is Basic H different than something like Simple Green? I'm all in favor of saving $$$ but curious about this 
Did you have these in a different room where you experienced a larger soundstage with them out further? Do you know that they are capable of larger sound? I don't know much about the speakers but I know that all  of them have different points wher... 
Why Do So Many Audiophiles Reject Blind Testing Of Audio Components?
@rlb61   Measurements often can be irrelevant because a component or cable that measures great can sound awful, whereas distortion may sound quite pleasing. In the final analysis, all that matters is what you hear and enjoy. One of my worst purch... 
Why Do So Many Audiophiles Reject Blind Testing Of Audio Components?
@elapid a reasonable man, shown data that destroys his beliefs will change his beliefs to fit the data.audiophiles are not reasonable men.not many people can be counted on to accept they’re wrong.they kick, scream, call you names.doesn’t change th... 
Pure analog system with high power
I tend to agree with MC about more efficient speakers. However IF you have heard the Maggies and like them, then so be it. Lots of people do. That's why I auditioned them. They sounded great...as long as you stay in the sweet spot. Salesman said t... 
classical music
I agree with most here about it being a personal preference. But one thing to add may well be the stylus shape. A fine line stylus like that on my Zyx 4D just digs deeper into the groove exposing more music than the Benz Ebony L with an elliptical... 
Kutztown Radio Show, Anybody else going?
Sounds like fun but too far away for me. Pick me up some KT88’s while you're there will ya?(-: 
This is very timely...
If audio writers who praise these products asked mainstream speaker designers why they don’t make super-efficient speakers, they’d learn that with efficiency comes compromises—in frequency-response linearity, dispersion, distortion, and power ha... 
Adcom 535L upgrades?
I cannot say what it will do for the 535 but if my experience with a CJ preamp is indicator, it will be worth the $$$. Of course, you don['t want to spend too much. Nine was $200 for cleaning and checking and new  top of line Nichicon caps.The 535... 
Classical Rock
@ oldhvymec The heck with it.. I like James Brown, Carlos Santana. Tower of Power, Gram Central Station, AWB, Cool and the Gang.. I liked FUNK... STILL DO!!!! Ditto I might add Earth Wind & Fire also. And of course all the standard rockers yo...