
Responses from arro222

Opening Record Store
You asked for "tips". I partnered to have owned 3 hi-fi stores getting out in 2001 after 30 yrs of doing it.Although your store is simpler in product, the thing that you must watch for is "expense creep". You will own the business. Are also owning... 
Warm romantic & detailed
I’m not ready to say it’s your speakers necessarily. Could also be a mis-match of cabling.I’d be willing to send you a pair of MIT 700+ speaker cables to experiment with to see if they are a better fit.These cables are from 20 years ago and are li... 
$7000 preamp vs $700 receiver - Is the difference THAT significant?
Theory of Relativity at its best.Took my bil into one of our stores years ago so he could hear what a 100K system sounded like. Mostly ARC stuff thru big Wilsons..He sheepishly turned to me and said "It sounds like my Bose but not quite as good." 
Tweaks you got rid of because they were not effective (enough)?
Inert dead oak speaker stands. May have deadened vibration but also deadened sound. 
If you could, what live performances would you enjoy re-living?
The one is easy. Girlfriend and I had a front row seat to a 5th Dimension concert. As they are setting up, one of them runs off the staging area rather quickly. A few minutes later, he comes back but soon runs off again. There is a look of concern... 
System Plateau - Ideas?
dotchaosNot completely grasping your idea of "edge" or "fullness", Nelson Pass built the FW aleph with a reduction of negative feed back but makes the claim of comparable distortion to his previous amps. maybe not with what your combo prov... 
Did any Amp help you understand lyrics better?
@millercarbonCheapskate. Mine does 500. 
Did any Amp help you understand lyrics better?
@boomerbill They sell the case works as well Boomer?   
Did any Amp help you understand lyrics better?
Doug:I dealt with both low and high end stuff. What you describe is dead on and leaves me to believe I worded my question incorrectly.The "apparent" pick up on this was certainly in focus when comparing low end to high end.  
Did any Amp help you understand lyrics better?
It’s like this. I used to sell audio equipment. With the plethora of A/B switching of amps to speakers to players, etc, etc we did for customers, I don’t think I ever stopped or tried to "center" on just this aspect alone.There were just too many ... 
Interesting discovery when my carpets were cleaned yesterday!
What no one has asked thus far is in what way do they sound "better" to you? Ppl might have a better clue in their recommendations.  
Who's good at appraising stereo equipment?
Some insurance companies have "loss experts" in specific areas. One of my former partners in our stereo shops became one of these specifically for stereo equipment for Metropolitan ins. company. 
... abit confused: how does a power cord affect the presentation of sound...
I wonder if anyone ever attempted to make a power cord out of spark plug wire. 
Is there a magic formula for spending on components in a system
No...not in relation to components. There are some who would say if you spent say 20K on components, you should get at least $5000 worth of speakers. As if to say no speaker is worthy under that. Nothing could be further from actual as opposed to ... 
High Powered Holographic Amplifiers
@dprazz. Not to answer for the op but with experience with the ref 600, it ran pretty hot. I'm thinking the 610 isn't much cooler. The other thing is to have a refurb tube replacement, that'll cost over $2200.