
Responses from arni

Creek OBH-11......a couple questions
Creek OBH-11 is a Headphone amp, you are probably referring to the OBH-10 or 12. A passive pre will not give you boost, so it would just lower the volume. Hope this helps. 
Will leaving an amp powered-up all the time...
Amps ofen need to warm up to sound their best, I also leave mine on all the time 
Audio Aero Prima MKII v/s Unison Research Unico
Feel better now Restock?I think it is important to keep system synergy in mind and not just look at an individual component. The Unico is not bright,and has a sweet but airy top end, which may sound veiled and boring to some, in particular if math... 
cheapest decent low powered integrated w/ sub out
Bignerd100 is right, some high-end sub manufacturers like REL actually recommend this method over rca sub out. So you don't have to limit yourself to these conditions. 
Single speaker wire on bi-posts with jumpers...??
On the top posts, if the jumpers are not up to par, it is likely to be more audible in the highs than the lows 
iPod directly into amp
What you need is an integrated amplifier/receiver and a decent iPod dock so you can bypass the headphone circuit in the iPod. Onkyo makes a decent dock, and I'm sure there are others out there... which would set you back maybe a $100 at the most. ... 
Do I need a DAC to go from computer to integrated
Yes, and preferably a USB DAC to skip the computer soundcard 
it's the ac.....
Mr. Tennis, sound like Red Wine Audio might fit your ticket.. no it is not tubes, but it isnĀ“t solid state either, and yes, it sure is battery powered amp... check out this one here on Audiogon... 
Kind of a dumb question...
Second Myraj, the better cable from the CD to Pre, the earlier in the chain, the more significant the impact. You could, of course, listen for yourself. Good Luck! 
cheap coax
For such long runs, I strongly suggest that you look at Monarchy Digital Interface Processor (DIP) which boost the digital signal and dejitter too. Those are arround used for as little as $100. It would make a dramatic improvement in sound. 
Passive preamps: What are the relevant numbers?
Dave, if you are going analog out of CD player, then digital output is irrelevant. It is quite standard that analog output from standard CD players is at least 2.0 volts, you should be fine with a passive between the Rotel and DNA .5 
do burnt CD copys sound as good as originals?
If done right, the copies sound far superior. But the there are certain things that need to be addressed properly: (1)The software used to rip the CD (load it onto the hard drive), where Audio Exact Copy (freeware) is far superiour to others,(2) t... 
tubed preamp off and ss amp left on?
Hm, some say that turning tubepre off and on is what kills the tubes prematurely.... preamps differ significantly in regards to how long their tubes last, where some reportedly should be turned off, others not. Knowing what your preamp is might he... 
Pre-amp, integrated, new power amp...I'm confused
Phoenix469,I really second Tvad, adding a pre, albeit tube, will not eliminate the grain in your system. I think taking a closer look at the source would yield better results in the end. I see you have MF tube buffer; wonder why you got it in the ... 
Need a good high-pass Xover for Sonus REL
I would be one Audiogon member to disagree... introducing a crossover into the signal path might actually affect the resolution and the magic of the SF Concertos. Are you unhappy with the current sound? If you have bass problems, I would first rec...