
Responses from arni

CD Player volume control
Whether feeding directly into the amp is the best way to go-this is often false, unless you have a very good output stage with analog volume on the CD player. Depending on the CD player, it is likely that the gain stage in the YBA is much superiou... 
Parasound HCA-1000a vs Adcom GFA-545 vs Mccormack
With the exception of perhaps the Belles, none of these amps will match the DNA 0.5. And yes, I agree that the Parasound is better than the Adcom, and a very good value. 
DVD Spinning noise normal?
DVD players are increasingly using computer rom drives, which spin faster at times.. so yes, this may be perfectly normal 
Good match with Triangle Antal XS??
Sorry, never checked back on this thread...if this is still relevant, I'm now using Aural Thrills Active Gold from source to pre, and Signal Cable Silver Resolution from pre to power amp. 
Tube amp to pair with Triangles?
I just wanted to point to another alternative... tubes are great, don't get me wrong. I have Antals 202, and also experienced a little too harsh treble-depending on recordings. All solid state gear, transport to DIP upsampler-to DAC. However, when... 
Digital source cords
JPS Labs sell a digital AC power cord that got a rave review in Stereophile. Signal Cable has one that appears very popular. The difference from regular power cords? I'm not sure, but I think it probably has something to do with different emphasis... 
bryston warm up time
That is why many recommend you leave SS amps on 24/7 
looking for best speakers to match with small 25w
Check this review here on Audiogon: Volante, 93 db sensitivity, fast, tight bottom end, great resolution. A little beyond your price tag when new,... 
Best upgrade option for this system?
I think your pre amp is the weakest link. I almost fell to the flor in awe when I changed my old Adcom gfp 565 out for an inexpensive passive pre. 
"White noise hiss" through speakers.
Your Creek had a passive pre-amp stage. The gain in your active pre-amp is probably the culpit, and I think this varies from one active pre to another, as suggested above. When I had a Creek passive pre in my system, it was dead quiet by the speak... 
Need some help picking a subwoofer
I've read that REL Strata III mates seamlessly with the concertino and the concerto, like it does with most speakers period. They are available used for about $800-1000, but are sold very quikly when they appear on the used market. Good Luck. 
Opinions Creek Classic 5350SE vs. Rotel RX-1052
I think the creek is in a whole different league in regards to transparency, detail, nuances, if these things are important to you. I have demo-ed the creek with different gear than my own, and was quite impressed when it was fed analog from VPI S... 
speaker with good low level detail
I think Triangle Antal 202 or even Celius (a tad over your price) might be your ticket. Easy to drive (92 db) and one of the best values you might find if you are looking for detail, amazing midrange and speed. They have full bass and sound full r... 
PCM or Analog output?
Lesvan,I still don't understand your question, PCM vs Analog: One would assume, as PCM is a format of a digital signal (e.g., DVD players setup menu gives you the option of PCM or Bitstream Digital out) that you are comparing the digital out vs an... 
PCM or Analog output?
What are you feeding the PCM output into?