
Responses from ar_t

Definition of "redbook" and "Prat" ?
Redbook is the standard that Philips and Sony came up with for the spec of CDs. Including length of playing time. Around 650 MB, I believe. The 700 MB ones aren't Redbook, technically. Usually can be read on a Redbook conforming unit, but that lea... 
Designer Hall of Fame
Hmmm......the late John Iverson. Interesting choice that I had completely forgotten about. He had some original ideas. 
Designer Hall of Fame
If we use your criteria of "......some of the great designers for engineering skill and knowledge...........", then this list is somewhat flawed. The list, as it stands now, looks to me as if it was assembled from image, as opposed to actual engin... 
Stereophile Article - Holt telling it like it is.
I resent the reviews of ultra-expensive equipment; yet thirty years ago I couldn't understand why a publisher would waste paper printing a road test of a Ford or Chevy or Toyota--it was easy enough to go to the dealer and DRIVE IT YOURSELF. So bri... 
Stereophile Article - Holt telling it like it is.
He has a point, but he ought to start by pointing fingers at his buddy, Larry Archibald.I could say more, but I am trying to be tactful. 
Class-D amps - a different re view
I have not been following this rambling thread very closely, but perhaps I should clear up some common misconceptions about making Class D amps:1.) They are cheap to build, and2.) They are easy to build, because all you have to do is put it in an ... 
Class-D amps - a different re view
The answer is "yes", but.........boy, am I going to step into it here..........the module that one would expect to be best for that particular speaker, based on its low impedance and power requirements, really doesn't work that well in that appica... 
Class-D amps - a different re view
Kijanki:If you have a 1000ASP, then it will have much more than 22 V on the output terminals, so I would not advise touching them. (Rowlan uses that module in some of their amps.)As for the output network, I was talking about the damping factor, o... 
Class-D amps - a different re view
Kijanki:Your post mentioning jitter and PLL seems to be off-base, and probably ill-suited to this thread. Perhaps you would like to clarify it, but may I suggest in a different thread.RF gumby:Yes, I think I am in the right place. I am pretty sure... 
Class-D amps - a different re view
Maybe I shoud stay out of this one, especially as I do not have time to read all of the posts, but.......The critcism that not all of the vendors disclosed all of their specs is no reason to find fault in them. Most here have been around high-end ... 
question about switching, Class D, and Class A
Ignore the mags, and trust your ears.Some folks like LPs...some like CDs. Same is true for amps. I moved towards building Class D amps because Class A amps are too hot to use in Texas during the summer months.Which is around 8 months of the year..... 
Why do digital cables sound different?
Yes, and that is why it does not have the problems that SPDIF has. 
Why do digital cables sound different?
It has to do with the way the clock is extracted from the SPDIF signal. There is a high degree of correlation in it. This leads to a great deal of data-related artifacts in the recovered clock.(If someone was to hook up some sort of listening doo-... 
Why do digital cables sound different?
A guy who worked for our dealer in Chicago came up with the names. Yeah.....that is pretty much what he was thinking when he did.SPDIF is a less than optimal solution. To get the jitter on the clock to the level of a one-box solution, it takes a l... 
Why do digital cables sound different?
Not only do cables sound different from each other, but they are also directional.OK.....I know some of you are thinking that I have spent too much time out in the hot Texas sun. Yes, I have, but that is besides the point. For many years, I was th...