
Responses from aolmrd1241

WILSON AUDIO/ cost vs. value
Audioaril wins the prize!!! The ad is quite insulting to audiophiles as a whole. Be it Wilson or whomever, give us the benifit of the doubt when it comes to our own intelligence to be able to discern fact from fantasy in the WORLD of high-end pric... 
This should be controversial....hearing tests...
no wonder everyone in this noble hobby of ours can't seem to agree on anything................ :} 
I would consider Wadias new CDP'S , if like any thing old of past, they certainly will be awsome... 
What new amp for my Merlins
music reference amps are a great match, i used the RM9 series2 with my merlins past.. great match.. get upgrade first... call bobby, easy to deal with...good luck... 
$100 Challenge: Build this system
drive around your neighborhood a day or two before garbage pick-up day and see what audio goodies some one is disposing of or a thrift shop...put the $100 towards upgrades or your favorite charity... 
mouse isolation tweak???????
i went to the dollar store and found those gel type heel pads cheap... out of curiosity i bought enough to stack four high {12} to be used on a three point plane under my cdp and low and behold my jaw hit the freeking floor...still in use two year... 
wadia making mistake?
hello all ,i must say some great answers on wadia and sacd. I fill that there is so much more that can be obtained through red book mode with more R/D that to put to much effort into sacd when this format is technically [dead in the water] is just... 
What's up with Talon?
SHERPA hello ,your right ,their product was excellent and still one to beat!i have the khorus x series 2 and wont be giving them up any time soon.. hope talon comes back, we will all benifit musically speaking ... 
What's up with Talon?
hello goners, its been 5.5 months since any comments about talon .. any news out there about the co. and circumstance surrounding them?>... they made? excellent product and ihope mike is still in business... any comments would be appreciative..... 
if you had 2500,what player stands out????
electrocompaniet emc 1up 24/192 cdp. used. killer player..