
Responses from aolmrd1241

State of HDCD and SACD
As with most choices in life, compromise abounds, and since redbook is the dominant factor in our digital universe I would consider redbook as the leading factor in my choice of a high quality player... Kira nailed it... 
Is a subwoofer 'overkill?'
Pull the sub further away from the room boundaries to tame the loudness factor, or sell the wife... :^( 
Two-channel SACD player recommendations?
John, Music Direct carrys the Marantz and Music Hall line of components. Very good co. to do business with, they are knowledgeable and friendly. Good return policy also. I've dealt with Jason in the past-he's a straight shooter. Good luck... www.m... 
Cary 303/300 driving V12R direct
"Hence get a decent Cary preamp and you will gain a lot.">>>>> I also come from the same preamp camp.I tried running my Edge NL-10 amp directly with my Wadia cdp, and though the combo was nice "it didn't float my boat." Inserting my... 
Get Power Conditioner -downgrade my expensive PCs?
Snofun3,Or not, My suggestion to call the manufacturer was just that, "a-suggestion". Some times the use of a contact point can help you come to conclusions which will work best for you and your particular set-up and needs. Nothing in this hobby i... 
Get Power Conditioner -downgrade my expensive PCs?
I use all Shunyata Research for my power requirements in my system and could not be happier with the end results...8*)... I would suggest that if anyone has issues or requirements with pc's or plc's for (any particular piece of equipment) that the... 
How far out there are you?
They say in order to break this addiction of ours we must first hit rock-bottom... but man, every time I get an ear full of one of those musical tones, my adiction rears it ugly head and its back to my listening chair, or worse yet, straight to th... 
anyone with experience of the "CD lathe"
...Surely manufacturers would try to deal with this problem if it were real>>>> I believe Krell used green led's in a transport of theirs at one time. My Wadia transport also uses green on the clamping mechanism. Seems the problem is r... 
Need your help finding a pair of speakers.........
Ginas, I hope your new crib works out for you, (38x45x10)... If your looking to sell new crib down the road with less then 50-70hours use,let me know. 8^)... 
Need your help finding a pair of speakers.........
With only 50 hours of playing time on the Andra 2's are you sure that you need new speakers, you haven't even broke them in yet. From all that I have read and heard about the Andra's, they are killer... 
Lector Digicode/Digidrive vs Esoteric and Cary?
Bill, sorry,don't live in Jersey but I sure do enjoy the coastal region there. Good luck in finding a cdp of your liking. Give gnsc a call,I'am sure Steve would be more then happy to talk shop.Good luck & Merry Christmas... 
Talon-New owner-NO customer service
I would like to mention here that in my past dealings with Mike Farnsworth of Talon he most definitely went "above and beyond" the call of duty when I had a slight problem with a Talon purchase a few years back. Mike bent over backwards to my tota... 
Lector Digicode/Digidrive vs Esoteric and Cary?
Bill, yes, the 861se with the statement mod is what I"am referring to. The 861se on its own is a very fine machine in its own right,but, imho, to get the very last drop of musicality out of it, GNSC- Steve Huntley and CO. have put some wonderful- ... 
Lector Digicode/Digidrive vs Esoteric and Cary?
You want, involving,exciting,musical and right- think Wadia/GNSC... Gloriously musical? You betcha... 
Rhode Island stereo shops
To bad about Providence not having a hi-end shop,my very first encounter with high-end gear happened to be a shop in Providence called Ocean State Audio back in the mid 80's,I remember it all to well "sound was to die for" VTL Pro-ac and I think V...