
Responses from aolmrd1241

Buying decision time, or Time for a sanity check?
I think it comes down to... If she doesn't "mind", then it doesn't "matter"...(;^)... 
Why doesn't Musical Fidelity offer balanced output
Edge doesn't offer balanced either, Tom Maker feels they compromise the sound quality... 
Automatic Man?????
bd, thanks alot for the info... on order... 
Violin, Viola,Cello background noise
I do believe if your system is "resolving" enough, this kind of noise could possibly just be the microphone picking up the acoustics (surrounding air mass) of the room in which the recording took place... ie: shushing noise... 
question about tubes, cds, etc
doo-doo-doo-doo......doo-doo-doo-doo... allen, you have just entered the world of the unknown, where sight and sound are onto a digital dimension all their own....... "welcome to the twilight zone"...aka; high end audio...(: ) ...have fun and happ... 
Any Reliable SACD Players compete with Sony SCD777
pugstub, if you don't mind me asking, why dont you ship the sony back to the co. that did the mods and demand that it be functioning properly..... 
Starting a high-end audio shop... Am I crazy?
gdoodle, i wish you the best in your noble endeavor to strive for such a cool objective>>>>>but>>>>> if you have to ask? good-luck (:>) 
I need your help
I would love to read "that" report!!!!!!!!! (:>)} 
Isolating the listening chair?
jamscience, I must inform you that the use of the "CONE OF SOUND" is a top secret device to be used only by the chief and maxwell smart .... any further use of said device shall warrant a tongue lashing from agent 99... 
i would suggest that what-ever sub you decide to purchase that you put a ASC-sub trap under it... it will make "any" sub sound the way it was meant to. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED... good luck... 
Vandersteen Quattro review in Stereophile
bigtee,i agree with you,Fremer could have down-played the vandersteens and gave wilson the upper hand but he didn't... i have always enjoyed Fremers writing /reviewing abilitys and appreciate his honesty in the stereophile review... kudos mikey... 
Point of diminishing returns
when your divorce attorney asks to see your financial statements  
Your vote: Most Useless Audio Adjective
professional audio scribes take " heed " you have been formally educated to the likes and dislikes of the masses... PLEASE TAKE NOTICE... yeah, you there, you know who you are... (- 
How can power cords make a difference?
Your vote: Most Useless Audio Adjective
PLUMY, who the hell came up with THAT???