
Responses from aolmrd1241

Sonus Faber Alternatives That Offer Similar Sound and Performance, your expertise needed!
Here are two that would be on my short list... 
MQA and the "Pre Ring - Post Ring" Hoax
I do not think for a moment that since Adam and Eve were created that we as human beings have not lied one to another.. for self  centered gain..whether it be physical or spiritual... to the illusion of some sort of self preservation. Nothing new ... 
Subwoofer Decision
If you like Rythmik... you can step it up a notch with a minor price increase from Salk-Sound. 
Has Anyone Uesed A PrimaLuna Amp With Harbeth Speaker's
We get it !!!  You do not like Kevin Deal and that is OK...time to give it a break and move on.  
Has Anyone Uesed A PrimaLuna Amp With Harbeth Speaker's
clarinetmonster2 "said...No, Kevin Deal IS PL." No... Herman Van Den Dungen is the real Deal in PL. 
Has Anyone Uesed A PrimaLuna Amp With Harbeth Speaker's
Kevin can be a bit gruff at times. But he is not the only dealer for PL. 
Has Anyone Uesed A PrimaLuna Amp With Harbeth Speaker's
I have owned and used a PL Dialogue Premium preamp for almost three years on a daily basis and have had nothing..(nil,nought,zero,zilch,zip) issues of any sort with this unit. And the fact that I like rolling tubes a lot [eight total] has done zer... 
Has Anyone Uesed A PrimaLuna Amp With Harbeth Speaker's
I suspect clarinetmonster2 has an agenda to fulfill.  
Tune of the Day
Bill Withers - Who Is He (And What Is He to You).  Mr. Withers is king!!! 
How does a Transport effect sound?
Found this on PSA forums if anyone is interested...Reply about the Synchro-Mesh via Ted Smith. ASRC (asynchronous sample rate conversion) is the mechani... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
oregonpapa... I certainly have no dog in this fight but as a reader of this do come across as if you have a reason to promote this paste. I have been known to be wrong in the past.. but that's the way I see it.The posting content here ... 
PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium my PL dialogue premium preamp. What it adds to my system is beyond reproach. 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Hello Mark...For ’me’ it’s not about the equipment improvements made in this hobby any longer,which by the way,I have enjoyed tremendously for most of my life..but now rather.. how much more the music ’serves my way of life’...instead of ’me servi... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
As human beings,we all tend to have an insatiable desire for the next best thing.. just around the corner..from our minds skewed perspective. If and when we do get there.. the feeling/desire wears off over a little bit of time and we’re right back... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Do audio tweaks really work? Food for thought maybe?