
Responses from aolmrd1241

Your last concert was to see who and when?
If I want to see some iconic bands of my youth...the first thing I do is google the most recent concert utube videos for a look see. This way I can get an idea of what my money is actually buying. If the singer is bad I generally pass on a ticket ... 
This review may be of interest also. 
All Quiet on the Oppo front?
jonasandezekiel  asked..."As of now, does anymore know if the unobtainable Oppo is actually obtainable??"Sure you can get them. If your willing to get totally gouged in the process... 
All Quiet on the Oppo front?
Hmmm... the rocket scientist in me says...putting out feelers. 
Tune of the Day
Keller Williams  "Moving Sidewalk" 
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
roxy54 said..."If you’re an ordinary guy, like myself, and not an electrical engineer, this can really become confusing and intimidating. This is something that we didn’t have to deal with way back when. I was reading a review of a DAC last night,... 
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
I agree with you charles1dad... also,having clean ac feeding your system is just as important as what brand of kit you are running...synergy is the order of the day for that great listening experience. 
If you still spin CD's their is a reference level Transport for reasonable money
nonoise... the dilemma was trying to get through that so called review without wanting to slit my wrists first,or maybe sticking a hot poker in my eye just to relieve my mental anguish. 
Corelli - really????
Just a quick update... I recently added a DIY Harmonizer unit into my system to compliment the Corelli. WOW!!!... This thing doesn’t compliment super charges it!!! Everything that I love about the Corelli has now been magnified/enhanced wi... 
If you still spin CD's their is a reference level Transport for reasonable money
teajay said... "Hey audiolabyrinth,I totally agree that you can speculate on which transport would sound better. However, I have heard the latest generation of the PS Audio DS transport and I prefer what the Jay’s Audio CDT-2 MK-2 does in my syste... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Hadouk Trio....”Now” 
Anyone using a Class D amp w/ribbon tweeters?
1graber2...Sure you can ask. I am using the Merrill Audio Veritas mono block amps driving the Acoustic Zen Crescendo Mark II's. A little piece of heaven...   
Tune of the Day
Michael Brook...Albo Gator 
Anyone using a Class D amp w/ribbon tweeters?
My class D amps sound wonderful with my ribbon tweets... 
Bryston 4b3 or BHK 250- how woudl you compare them?
pgaston said... aolmrd1241, I have just started doing some tube rolling with the Primaluna- I took a pair of NOS Tungsram I had installed in my Mastersound SET and the sound does improve- but I think I need to get more pairs to really see how it w...