
Responses from aolmrd1241

What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Hadouk Trio - Soft landing 
New Speakers up to $15k - The more I read the less I know!
ctsooner said..."There would have to be other upgrades for a full 10k mark up,"Agreed!!!  
New Speakers up to $15k - The more I read the less I know!
ctsooner said... " the Quatro should be in the 25k range (with a carbon midrange upgrade)."ct...I do appreciate your input and sharing that knowledge with us in concern of the Quatro CT...sounds like a great speaker system indeed.But,I have to ask... 
New Speakers up to $15k - The more I read the less I know!
Precision Audio & Video in Chicago.  
Can a power cord increase the resolution of an Class D (SMPS) amp by more than 5% ?
I substituted the power cords that came with my Merrill Audio Veritas monos with Shunyata Pythons and the noise floor,resolution,along with a more natural rendering of the music... did take a turn for the better. Great fit in my system! 
Who wants the best improvement in their system EVER!
The OP has two items listed for sale with both ads stating... "on consignment by Soundings Hifi in Denver, CO." So my guess is, he is in fact, a dealer...Do I win a prize? 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Matt said...”This is NOT a thread on R2R vs PCM technolog. Nor is it a thread on why R2R is the ONLY design that should be used, George.”George. This is the OP’s thread..not yours. Show some respect and move on from your tiresome lambasting of eve... 
New Speakers ... Can't Stop "Listening"
markmendenhall...I couldn’t agree more with your findings,they match mine to a tee. Oh,and the cavernous soundscape with the highly organic and oh so natural musical/emotional presentation is to die for...just amazing!  
New Speakers ... Can't Stop "Listening"
clarinetmonster2 said " Hmm. The guy that claims the SF Olympicas are in another league vs the Joseph’s...only if you value rolled off, polite sound based on my experience with the Olympicas."If you heard the Olympica 3 sounding to polite and roll... 
PS Audio Direct Stream Memory Player
Ozzy,been there done that... I stand by my post... The code does seem to lower the noise floor a bit, but to me it comes at a cost of detail and depth. Not sure why... but others have noticed this also. 
PS Audio Direct Stream Memory Player
The new 'interim' code 2.08 is still a bit quirky as is/was the previous 2.06 code. As far as sound quality goes,for my ears and tastes,2.08 is not up to snuff compared to 2.06... 2.08 to me sounds as if a blanket has been thrown over my speakers.... 
New Speakers ... Can't Stop "Listening"
I owned the Pulsars for a few years and loved what they did in my system and would highly recommend them to anyone in the market for a two-way design. I ended up replacing them with Sonus faber Olympica 3’s. in all things much as... 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Just got home from seeing Robin Trower. Robin and his band were simply amazing. Hard rock blues from the master... 
Sonus Faber Alternatives That Offer Similar Sound and Performance, your expertise needed!
Nightfall...I never heard either one but I did own the JA Pulsars and they were fantastic. They are both dream speakers in my world...I am sure the Pearls and Snell Illusions would work in your room with careful setup and room treatment. Pull them... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Audiotweak said....”When TC is applied to normal everyday objects in an audio room that are not electrical in nature..and after a cure time of about 7 to 10 days you will have around you an enhanced audio experience..something new and into the mys...