
Responses from andy2

Is a DAC to Amp hook up better??
One of the improvement with a good preamp is dynamic. Sometimes, the output of a DAC or cdp just do not adequately drive a amp input. I once had a Cary 303/200 hooked up directly to an amp and even cranking up the volume all the way, the sound jus... 
Tired of Expensive Speaker Cable. Alternatives?
I use AlphaCore inductor 14AWG. I then unwind them into long strand of cables. I then use Scotch tape as insulator between the + and - . The sound is just slightly warm but overall not bad.Here where you can by the Alpha core inductor:http://www.m... 
Please go buy "Once" soundtrack CD
can you mention artists on this soundtrack?Here are some of the info I got from"Many visiting Amazon will remember the film THE COMMITMENTS telling the story of an Irish soul band specializing in many of the Stax classics of the sixtie... 
Upgrading from Cary Six Pacs
Thanks for responding:Drrasta: I am not sure the Dodd would give me more power since the SixPacs has 6 tubes per channel. I know it's not as simple how many tubes driving but the SixPacs are pretty powerful for a tube amp. Please take no offense.S... 
Tyler acoustics questions
Having making my own speakers, I agree that the Excel tweeter is smoother than the Scan Speak. The Scan Speak is a bit extrovert where as the Excel is a bit laid back and smooth sounding. 
How Jolida JD100 performs as a transport
No, my JD100 is pretty quite and does not "tick". 
A good 50-70 watts tube amplifier for $ 2000?
Ozzy62: Have you compared the RM9 against other tube amps? Just curious.I recently bought a Cary six pacs and it's the best tube amp I had so far. 
Anyone else evolve beyond tubes?
I've just switch from a CJ MF2500A to a Cary six pacs. With the six pacs, music just flows and has a fluidity that was not there with the MF2500A. Keep in mind that the 2500 is known for its tube like and has received lots of praise. On the other ... 
Feedback wanted from Jolida JD100A owners
790 usd is a pretty good price for a brand new unit. Remember to swap out the stock tube for some NOS tubes. 
Feedback wanted from Jolida JD100A owners
"Fast paced rock can make the Jolida sound a little congested with flabby bass". A lot of things people say are a little exgagerated just to make their point and I am sure you've done the same things too every now and then. The Jolida's bass may n... 
Feedback wanted from Jolida JD100A owners
I've had the Jolida JD100 for a few months and I would say it is mostly muscial, warm, smooth, analog like sounding with respectable details. The bass is not too bad but it is probably on the deep and full rather than being lean and fast.But outpu... 
Coupling Cap Values for a VTL ST150?
Usually the value is .47uf but guess you should check with the ones that are being used in you amp.As for what type of cap, Jensen Paper-in-oil caps tend to be more musical, a bit roll off top, euphonic sounding, while Hovland caps tend to be more... 
Intregrated Amp for Thiel 2.4 s
I once hear a pair of Thiel 2.4 driven by Audio Research tube preamp, Audio research SS amp using Acoustic Zen cables and the whole combo sounded fantastic. Probably one of the best soundstage I've ever heard. Can't recall the model's name though. 
Krell 400xi ? Arcam FMJ 32? Musical Fidelity A5?
I've never heard MF or Krell but did have an A90 once and although it is somewhat musical, I find the A90 a bit cold and compress compare to a good tube amp. The bass is slightly lean without good body. 
Looking to get some speakers refinished in NYC....
1. First, you need to "sand out" the current finish. 2. Buy some good veneer. You can get some cheap but good looking from Ebay. 3. Glue veneer to cabinet.4. Use either lacquer or shellac for finish.Of course it's not that simple but let me know i...