
Responses from andy2

Amp upgrade from Ayre V-5xe
Just curious if anyone had heard the SimAudio Neo 400M monoblocks?I am also looking to upgrade my amps. 
Could you recommend a nice used USB DAC?
Finally I received the Ayre BQ-9 DSD. Here is my short impression and also compare bit with the Arcam CD23.First the Ayre is supposedly has its own USB power supply.  And also as important, the USB data line is optically isolated so it seems like... 
What software to play .dsf or dsd files for Windows 10?
Thanks both for the responses.  As for JRiver, is the fee a one time fee or is it an annual fee that you have to renew every year?I also had a look at Foobar.  Hm... it seems like I may need an IT certification :-). 
Could you recommend a nice used USB DAC?
I just put in an order for the Ayre BQ-9 DSD.  Hopefully will get it soon.   
How to stream Amazon Prime Music
So based on your suggestion, I did a quick search of "how to direct sound from labtop to usb port".  It turns out to be rather simple.  First I need to purchase a USB DAC.  Plug into one of the laptop USB port.  Go to control panel and select the ... 
How to stream Amazon Prime Music
Thanks.  Actually this is going to be my first attempt in streaming via the USB DAC so my questions may appear to be naive.  I currently have a laptop so I guess it has a built-in sound card, but I can try to see if I can direct the audio stream t... 
Which is REALLY the best Conrad Johnson Preamp
For my money, the GAT will sweep the floor.  Maybe all our GAT owners should get together for a love fest. 
Glenn Gould piano recording of Beethoven
Bach partita #6 is one my favorite. Gould likes to play a piece that lets him be a little creative. I don't think he enjoys playing something that forces him to play a certain way. Maybe that explains why he never plays Chopin or the odd ways he p... 
Newbie Question on Arcam
What I've read from other online users, Emotiva gears tend to be a bit too bright. Is that true? 
Purpose of using same speakers for surround?
I still think it's best to have all identical speakers, but if you have to have the rear different from the front, the rear should be a bit more laid back and less bass output vs the front so the rears won't call attention to themselves. 
Is HDMI worth It in term of sound quality?
Thanks for all responses. I ended up getting a used Anthem AVM20. The surround processing is fantastic, but with 2 channel music reproduction, it leaves me a bit cold. Stereo is actually very clean, nice soundstage, but I can't seem to connect wit... 
Is HDMI worth It in term of sound quality?
What do you as which is a better receiver - Pioneer SC35 or Arcam AVR350? 
Simaudio vs Pass X350.5
I have Sim Audio W3 amp and it is a little neutral but definitely not warm sounding. The bass is a bit light and the overall sound is slightly lean. I then replaced the amp with the SixPacs and the bass got warmed up really nice. The treble of the... 
Replacing SimAudio W-3 with Ayre V-3
I make my own speakers. I tune them to be slightly "lean" but only very slightly but I don't think it's the speakers. I've tried the CJ MF2500 but it has too much bass for my setup. I am thinking of going with something slightly warmer with a bit ... 
Should I upgrade from Sylvania 6DJ8 to better tube
I've just bought a quad of Holland Amperex Buble boy and I can see why they cost quite a bit. I paid 80.00 from another Audiogon member.The soundstage is much more three dimensional and the Sylvania. They are a bit warmer, midrange has more substa...