
Responses from andy2

Thiel cs2.4 upgrade to cs 2.4 se
Thank you beetlemania. Your insights are very helpful. I was looking to get to work on it next week, but since my handy skills are that of a caveman, I am not sure I can have it finished any time soon.But I will post my upgrade results once everyt... 
Thiel Owners
First I don't mean to take this thread off topic.  Maybe just slightly side way.  But has anyone heard a speaker with concentric midrange/tweeter?   I can think of Kef but I personally have not heard it myself.The reason I asked is that I am tryin... 
Thiel cs2.4 upgrade to cs 2.4 se
More pictures, The picture of the xover seems to show the binding posts are at the bottom of the cabinet.  As far as I know, all Thiel CS2.4s have the binding posts at the back of t... 
Thiel cs2.4 upgrade to cs 2.4 se
The original CS2.4, as best as I can tell, had 13uF + 1uF and 27uF + 1uF in the tweeter feed I have not seen the xover in person myself (though hopefully soon), but does anyone know which one is in series and which is in shunt?  The caps in ser... 
Thiel cs2.4 upgrade to cs 2.4 se
After much research and consideration, Tom Thiel has settled on Clarity CSAs for the upgrade. I think the decision probably comes down to cost/performance ratio.  If you were to do the upgrading yourself, I would highly recommend something like... 
Thiel Owners
but what about the resistors in series on the tweeter/mid crossovers?They are not part of the 6db crossover but the signal is going true them, confused!!?? There are two possibilities:1. The resistor is in series with cap that eventual leads to... 
Thiel Owners
I was able to obtain the CS2.4 oxver upgrade information from the other thread.  Doesn't seem that difficult and I can't see why there would be any problem.  I think I'll give it a try next week. 
Thiel cs2.4 upgrade to cs 2.4 se
Thanks for the pictures and upgrade info.  I am seriously planning to do the upgrade, but if I screw up removing the passive radiator, it's a one way street.I would advise if you would go to the trouble doing the upgrade, I would recommend using a... 
Thiel Owners
Hi Tom, To the point of Seas, Vifa etc. could do "it". We tried for years without success working with the best. It’s not so easy as it might appear.That is very interesting. Seas and Vifa were some of the very best at the time indeed. I have no d... 
Thiel Owners
This discussion makes me feel nostalgic of the younger years.  Oh well time has to move on.   
Thiel Owners
The conclusion from some of the previous discussions is that concentric drivers with the tweeter located coaxially mounted within the midrange driver is the best way to achieve a more consistent soundstage.  Some have commented on the Meadowlarks ... 
Thiel Owners
Thank you Tom for your insights.As for time coherent speaker manufacturers, Green Mountain Audio is a brand that also has that claim although it does not seem to be reviewed by any main stream magazines.There was also Meadow Lark but I am not sure... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
I intentionally never respond to Geoff Kait directly but somehow he manages to get back at me.  The guy got some free time. 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
I am not sure glubson is interested in the truth. 
Thiel Owners
jon_5912:I supposed you can use digital but it has its draw back but ultimately you need to have the drivers that can handle 6db roll off which is usually the problem in first order design.But digital has other drawbacks which I am not sure this t...