
Responses from andrewkelley

Sam here and l just made a new discovry.
I believe you dude 
Are all Audiophiles masocists?
Wait..... what? 
Perhaps a Stupid Question
Do what @millercarbon says. He hooked up my system with tweaks and knowledge and mine sounds better than the best in any showroom. Everything counts  
Bass Issues
They probably just need to break in  
There's gold in them frequencies!
I would love to try this. I like the idea of sympathetic frequencies I bet it works  
Ok now I am frustrated with streaming
Any chance your using an external DAC ? 
How deadly is transformer hummm...
Unplug the bug zapper in the garage. That made my hum stop  
Looking for a front end streamer only.
Find a metrum Ambre for $1200. Plug in an Ethernet cable, plug in aes from metrum to your DAC. And your done. Roon will find the metrum, you’ll get 24/192 out of the metrum AES and it will sound sublime  
Concrete Audio Speakers...Speaker Enclosures made out of Concrete ?..
@jpwarren58 ha! @roxy54 ha!  
Hopelessly Confused
For the best sound quality you need to stop using the Yamaha as a preamp and buy an audio only preamp that has home theatre bypass for your Yamaha. All of your sources plug directly onto the new preamp including the front left and right amp outs f... 
Looking to improve my system
Do everything you can to lower the noise floor. Low noise power supplies on the modem, Ethernet switch. Fancy power cords (it works). vibration control and isolation. All these little tweaks, they all add up.  
$5k Pair Full Range Speaker Shootout - Help me pick
Are revel and jbl the same company ??? My dealer told me the tweeter in the JBL 100 costs more than the speaker and the manufacturer them at a loss for some kind of marketing. This could be BS. But hey.  
What do/did you do for a living?
I own a restaurant in dallas Texas!  
Who knows how to set up a bass swarm? (DBA)
@millercarbon yeah I would never crossover the esl 13a, I probably didn’t communicate that right. I was wondering where I should crossover or “low pass” the subs but by reading yours and @audiokinesis info it looks like I want to low pass them pre... 
Beryllium Tweets
I had be tweets in my Yamaha NS-1000’s in the 90’s. They did justice to Pearl Jam, Alice n Chains, soundgarden, whatever that band was that did interstate love song, crash test dummies, green jello. We used to joke that the tweets glowed green and...