
Responses from andrewkelley

Is 1990's equipment vintage?
My wife says 90’s is vintage... but she’s young and hot.  
Stupid Mistake
I had a cycle cross bike called Jake the snake  
Negotiate good price
does you uncle still have those one of a kind speakers from the 80’s?  
One of a kind speakers by eminence
Dang! ....those look rad ! Rock on brother  
Can anyone recommend an FM Receiver that would play into a relatively high end system?
I have a mint marantz model 20b that’s pretty badass with the magnum dynalab antenna on the roof  
Hi-res streaming on Qobuz
if you don’t hear the gungnir Mb Clicking when the resolution changes, it’s not changing. Here’s what you can do. Get a node 2i or any other roon ready streamer, get a Black Cat silverstar BNC cable. It has an adapter so it can be coax on the stre... 
Turntable Upgrade question..
get the schiit turntable  
Hi-res streaming on Qobuz
You should hear your schiit gungnir mb switch Internally when being fed a different resolution 
Frustrated McIntosh Owner
In my opinion your dealer should have already known. When I buy hear my people tell me how long, and why.. I don’t know your financial situation, but for me I can’t just drop a bunch of dough and then wait around... I would be pissed 😤  
Are my standards too high?
Wait! Erick squires is kenjit??? Ok 👍 that was neat. 
Are my standards too high?
Do what now? 
Am I too big of a jerk,even for audiogon?
Do what now?  
laid back stereo power amp
sanders Magtech. Last amp you’ll buy. Look it up  
IMHO (and friend's) opinion of acrylic platter
I like my New SR platter mat. It replaces a herbies grungbuster. @millercarbon is right, and whoever that dude is that tried to rip him is a tool  
Want to setup basic home audio system
An amp, a source, some long-ass wire, some speakers, some interconnects, tools 🛠