
Responses from analogluvr

Aftermarket Fuses
@geoffkait why do you say that about wolf? He doesn't sound nearly as dumb as you do. 
Cable Burn In
Excellent post prof! And it has been shown that the measuring devices can measure things small enough that the ear of most likely cannot detect. So I find it funny that people Scoff at measuring device list.  N80 if you’re interested read up on co... 
I think if you leave this thread up long enough you will get a recommendation for almost anything on the market at that price point. You really need to do some legwork and figure out what aspects of reproduction are the most important to you and t... 
Aftermarket Fuses
@clearthink The fuse "companies "would probably send Geoffkait  out to whack us if we did that! Or at minimum to talk to us until we drowned in his BS LOL  
Aftermarket Fuses
@geoffkait  if you buy one of these maybe you can understand too! 
Aftermarket Fuses
@pbnaudio beautiful! @geoffkait  maybe pro audio is slower to take on this stuff because they actually, usually, have a basic understanding of how this stuff works. It's harder  to get them to believe in magic fairy dust.  
Aftermarket Fuses
 Wolf and myself are much too honest.   I couldn't sleep at night  if I did that  
Aftermarket Fuses
 Think about it it's a brilliant racket! I think I have about 20 fuses in my system, at 150 a pop that  works out to $3000 plus tax, then you buy them three times when they change the magic colours so you spent almost $10,000!  Meanwhile they prob... 
First impression: Herron VTPH-2A phono preamp
 Just to clarify further about the passive preamp versus the active one, even with the passive I could easily get lots of volume. That wasn't the issue that made me go back to active.And one of the reasons why Scm  is having success with his passi... 
First impression: Herron VTPH-2A phono preamp
Almarg and George  I have the Herron phono and I tried it at length with a transformer paste passive. While it sounded good and very transparent I did go back to an active line stage due to feeling like there was a slight lack of bass impact and s... 
Cable Burn In
N80 just because people say something is a thing doesn't mean it's a thing LOL. You haven't heard anything yet! There's crazy people that believe that changing out a power cable or a fuse will make a big improvement on the sound!   You have to thi... 
DIY Power Cables Instead of Used
 To the OP, you would do very well to buy some good quality parts and assemble the power cables yourself.  
DIY Power Cables Instead of Used
 I actually think Geoff is a very smart dude who secretly sits at home giggling  about all the people he convinces to buy into his absolute nonsense.   The more ridiculous the claim , the more of a success it is for himself.This one would rank hig... 
Aftermarket Fuses
 Actually weren't you quoting 70,000 about two days ago? So 10,000 poor innocent souls got sucked into the snakepit in the last two days?  Drowning in your snake oil!  
Aftermarket Fuses
 Where are you getting this 80,000 crap?  You're basically counting every piece of crap shyster boutique fuse ever having been sold as one that sounds better?  So then I guess we can say any piece of equipment that was ever released with the regul...