
Responses from aj523

Does the first reflection point actually matter??
@audiokinesis Thanks Duke. Your feedback is ALWAYS appreciated. As you know I seriously took the room into consideration when make the speaker decision, turning down several planars /dipoles that i was really interested in. The Harbeths, 3 feet ou... 
Does the first reflection point actually matter??
I just had my free phone consultation with Mr. Foley and after reviewing my room through photos (see link), he recommended the following:1. No diffusion anywhere to begin with. That will worsen the problem he perceives given all the windows. 2. Tr... 
Seeking advice on Speakers that create an intimate 2 channel listening experience
@roxy54 LTA uses Anticables on their preamp/amps at their shop and in a bunch of shows so I went with Level 3 power cords, Level 3.1 speaker cable and Level 6.2 RCA ICs.   
Seeking advice on Speakers that create an intimate 2 channel listening experience
@roxy54 And @snoproThx ! It was fun. I just finished all my cabling and now I’m going through withdrawal !  
Anyone Using Harbeths with Grilles off?
Grilles off for me. Besides the asthetics and badass Anniversary logo, it gives the 40.2a 0.5db boost from the tweeter which I need. Zero impact on bass driver.  
JBL 43xx va Harbeth 40.x
The JBL is like a Rollercoaster. In your face exhilarating, fun, but rocks your brains and you feel fatigued after riding them for awhile. So depends what you want. If you want serious engaging vocal and musical reproduction that you can listen to... 
Seeking advice on Speakers that create an intimate 2 channel listening experience
Project complete. (room treatments next) Thanks everyone!  Hope the pics come through..https://photos.app.goo.gl/BFAQLGEo4UmknMZm6 
Does the first reflection point actually matter??
Another confusing controversial thread.  Seems like the only alternative to avoid all this is to buy acoustic measurement software like from Dayton audio and figure out your room. Then treat it accordingly.  
What tube amp for Harbeth 40.1
@dodgealum Thx!  2 channel analog system complete. Now its time for room treatments and tweaks!  
What amp to match with Spatial Audio M3 Sapphire open back speakers
I understand they pair particularly well with Linear Tube Audio. That's the speaker LTA uses in their shop. 
What tube amp for Harbeth 40.1
So I doubled down and traded in my LTA z40 integrated for LTA separates - Microzotl preamp and a pair of ZOTL40 Reference run monoblocks. Getting close to 100 wpc at the 40.2 Annie 6ohm impedance and results are quite apparent, quite spectacular..... 
Does the first reflection point actually matter??
I gave GIK and Acoustical Surfaces a dozen pics of my room for recommendations and they each came up with completely contradictory suggestions. GiK was all about absorbers covering as much of the surface area of the walls and ceilings as possible ... 
Offer / counter-offer? Audiogon rules
Legally, at least in the US, the answer is no. Once you counter, that is an implied rejection of the original offer. Full stop.  I can find the UCC cite. 
Options for ridding records of static electricity
Same massive and annoying static issues with my Rega P10 using their felt mat. I called them about other options and their technician advised me strongly to avoid using after market brands. He said the mat was specifically constructed for that TT ... 
What tube amp for Harbeth 40.1
@gte357s Ok all tubes i see.  My point was that if you start mixing brands of tubes and SS gear, you have to be extra careful with proper impedance matching.  Expensive mistakes happen.