
Responses from aigenga

Wave Kinetics NVS Turntable - Stereophile Review
I was very surprised that tapping on the NVS's custom base plate produced notable sounds in the speakers. And this is on top of Fremer's TOTL shelf unit.. To me it indicates a potential vibration problem - surprising given the specialty of the man... 
Turntable volume help
My initial thought is that the Rega is at fault. Can you bring it to a friend or a store to hear it in another setting? Where are you located? 
Nude Turntable Project
Perhaps this "oh so interesting" philosophical discussion can be continued on a less public media and thus save the rest of us from having to check this topic in the vain attempt to acquire actual knowledge. Thanks. 
Stole my wife's Clarisonic to clean records...
This seems interesting. I looked at the manufacturers site and they have a very plush "acne" brush that I would pick if I was to try this. I am considering it. 
Nude TT / Armpod question
My TT and the armpod are both held in place using double-stick tape to the granite slabs. Each is on it's own slab but both slabs are sitting on a single shelf and I believe cannot move independently. I too use a Mint protractor and no movement ha... 
Nude Turntable Project
My turntable (JVC TT101) came with a plinth as a QL-10. Now it has no plinth so however you want to parse the language a large support was removed and now the TT sits on its tin-can of a base on cones. So I believe it is plinthless - nude or not.I... 
Feedback blew my phono stage?
Henry,I am in agreement with Almarg who said: "The reason that the problem does not occur with the other turntable is most likely that the characteristics of how it transmits acoustic/mechanical feedback to the cartridge are simply different, as a... 
Nude Turntable Project
Henry,I left open the side vents and around 40 - 50% of the bottom vents. I have monitored the heat on the TT and it is normal.It never gets that hot in my room (central a/c) so there is enough cooling to handle it.As for your feedback blow-out - ... 
Nude Turntable Project
Henry, my deepest condolences. If you were in NY I would lend you my spare phono-pre. I hope you get back to playing very soon. Gary 
Silly turntable question
Getting the TT up and running is just the starting point for a many year tuning and tweaking process. You will have many ups and downs doing this - get started. The length of the tonearm is not the most important aspect of good vinyl sound. Gary 
Silly turntable question
Getting the TT up and running is just the starting point for a many year tuning and tweaking process. You will have many ups and downs doing this - get started. The length of the tonearm is not the most important aspect of good vinyl sound. Gary 
Nude Turntable Project
I have been experimenting with damping this tin-can for some time now and I believe that with my current approach it is no longer the place where I can wring much improvement. From the lack of anyone saying that they might try it I guess no one se... 
Nude Turntable Project
In thinking about coating the motor I remembered that the TT-101 motor runs hot and needs to vent. I can feel the heat in the TT body after a couple of hours. Just something to keep on mind. Gary 
Nude Turntable Project
Banquo,Thanks but I don't have any issues that require amelioration. Also,I prefer unsuspended turntables. No springs or rubber mounts for me. Gary 
Nude Turntable Project
Raul, I was thinking about a paint solution but decided that I had the space to use this 3M product and that it would be even more effective.I have the pneumatic AT footers under my pre-amp and I used to have them under my TT (I also used squash b...