
Responses from agriculturist

Synergistic Research HFT's
Sorry , in my first sentence, I meant has anyone tried using HFTs on circuit breakers? 
Synergistic Research HFT's
Has anyone tried using circuit breakers on apartment or home circuit breakers?  I just did and was pleasantly surprised, so I am checking on others' experiences.  I tried two grey ones there and liked what I heard. Also, has anyone found that one ... 
Shunyata Research's Denali 2000T ???
I guess you mean the internals of the Anticables power cables (PCs)?  Perhaps you are right.  However, the PCs apparently have some special braiding or arrangement that works well at drawing noise out of components.  I can say that the PCs are det... 
Shunyata Research's Denali 2000T ???
Lak:Been a while but I finally finished switching over to a full set of Anticables ICs and PCs.  I am very pleased with the results.  The top Anticable ICs were for me clearly better than my SR Tungstens right away when I swapped those in first.  ... 
Question for BPT owners....
Thanks for the response Falconquest.  I assume the Sonos has  2-pronged plugs?Actually, I have been using it for my Synergistic 2-prong plugs and everything works well.  I have read in a blog here and perhaps elsewhere too that one should only use... 
Question for BPT owners....
Hullo:I have a BPT2.5 balanced unit that I got used here on Audiogon. I don't have the instructions as I got it second-hand and apparently came without any instructions. On another thread I read that one should only connect components to it with ... 
Do I need a power conditioner?
Hullo:I have a BPT2.5 balanced unit that I got used here on Audiogon.  It came without any instructions at least to me.  A question for anyone who can help.  Is it safe to use it to power Synergistic MPCs and FEQs which have two pronged plugs but ... 
Modding Synergistic Research MPC to Galileo status
I asked Michael mod two of my stock MPCs to his v2 status and I can say that these are great mods. Although I haven't been able to do proper A/B comparisons because of some ongoing system changes, I will say that I don't notice any difference betw... 
Modding Synergistic Research MPC to Galileo status
I asked Michael mod two of my stock MPCs to his v2 status and I can say that these are great mods. Although I haven't been able to do proper A/B comparisons because of some ongoing system changes, I will say that I don't notice any difference betw... 
Question for BPT owners....
Falconquest and Charles, thanks a lot for the help.  I did speak to someone at Equitech on the phone at one point and he was very helpful and knowledgeable.  I will call again before I take a next step using the number you gave me. Sorry indeed to... 
Question for BPT owners....
Charles1dad:I just saw the other thread where you posted about BPT and said you actually don't know Equitech so I was clearly remembering reading someone else's comment about Equitech's Son of Q etc.  Anyway, if you or anyone have any thoughts abo... 
Question for BPT owners....
charles1dad:I see you have mentioned Equitech somewhere too in another thread - perhaps at one time you had a Son of Q or something?  Did you ever try the 1.5RQ or the 2RQ etc?  And may I ask why you switched to BPT?  I am thinking of balanced pow... 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
Thanks lak and knghifi.  Sounds like something to think about for me... 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
Knghifi Do you build your own power cables? Is there soldering involved?  Thanks  
Shunyata Research's Denali 2000T ???
Thanks lak. I'm getting some Anticables power cables along with interconnects in the near future.  After those are burned in etc I may look at new power conditioning - balanced or Shunyata etc - if I need it. I have an SR powercell mk3 now which I...