
Responses from adg101

Nordost Valhalla 2 Power Cord Worth It? Over Audioquest Hurricane?
Have not heard the AQ Hurricane but my local Nordost and AQ dealer let me recently take home a used Valhalla 2 PC and it’s a great cord but even used I had a hard time dropping $2K on it but tempting. I instead picked up another WyWires Platinum H... 
NAD M51 upgrade
The RME is not bright but tells it like it is. You’re going to chase your system forever as it’s probably just bright and that could be your room is the problem, the music you enjoy is just poorly recorded or your speakers are bright or like the R... 
Upgrade preamp?
Nothing wrong with Maggie 1.7s, but if I had your system and looking to spend 5K on a preamp I’d look at speakers first. 1.7s are fine but they have their limitations. Yes I am very familiar with the 1.7s. 
What's Your Advice, Used Audio Research LS15, Or Freya+?
Not heard the Freya but remember the ARC LS15 and it’s a fine preamp and in its day probably among the best for the money. If I had to take one without a chance to compare the two I’d take the ARC. 
Upgrade DAC recommendation
@aeschwartzThanks for the tip to turn off the audio clock trim; had no idea of this setting. Pretty noticeable difference and I agree it sounds better off at least with my DAC. I thought it sounded great before, but astonished it sounds better. I’... 
B&W 702S2 jumper cables
Maybe they need more time to burn in to settle in as they say. I question the jumpers are adding this or maybe they are passing on something upstream? If they don’t work out, hopefully you can return them.  
Any RME ADI-2 DAC FS owners here?
Who makes the adapter? Hopefully it’s high quality as cryo alone might not help. For others here reading I’d suggest if you have a power cord you’re wanting to use look at VH Audio and purchase a Furutech C7 plug. The C7 being just a 2 pole plug, ... 
B&W 702S2 jumper cables
Nordost has a nice diagram on what’s called the diagonal connection which I prefer in my system. Several ways to hook up jumpers so you might have to experiment a little to find what works for you. 
Any RME ADI-2 DAC FS owners here?
@ddafoe, this is the Teddy I have 12V/2A with 2.1mm connector. The connector is not the locking type but it fits snug and I don’t see how it would just fall out as I’ve had no issue w... 
Modwright Umbilical cords
Can't speak directly on the umbilical cord as I don’t have either but have spoken to Dan on upgrading my LS36.5 to the DM and he clearly says the WyWires is an upgrade. When I purchased my LS36.5 from Dan directly he did praise WyWires which Im gl... 
Any RME ADI-2 DAC FS owners here?
Another user here. Very happy with the RME. I run mine with a Teddy Pardo power supply which took a fine DAC and made it better. Even with the stock PS don’t use the stock power cord as a quality cord is noticeable. In my system far from dry, clin... 
Searching for a dac that matches the Marantz
Has the OP listened to the RME in their system to claim it’s more analytical than neutral? I own one and it’s not analytical unless maybe ones system is already lean or bright, meaning their source such as streamer, transport or spdif cable is lik... 
Why don‘t servers/players incorporate polarity switches
70% of the time it can be heard every time. I agree the difference can be heard and I used to spend the time but I gave up years ago messing with polarity. Both my preamp and DAC have switching. Problem is often the entire recording may not be inv... 
Interconnect cable recommendations for Node 2i and DAC
The DAC in the Bluesound products are fairly good considering the price of these products, and I think one has to spend a decent amount to better but not break the bank. First I used my Vault 2 through the DAC input on my Cambridge 851C and it was... 
DAC Resolution vs Non-fatiguing vs Cost
I added a Teddy Pardo PS to my RME ADI-2 fs and it made a noticeable improvement to an already very nice DAC. Immediately I noticed a fuller sound with more weight and drive. The top in a little more calm without losing the detail but I can defini...