
Responses from adg101

What is the #1 equipment want currently on your HiFi horizon???
Maybe upgrade my Aerial Acoustics 7B to the 7C. The 7B is a great speaker with the right amp and I’m not sure the difference would be worth the cost. Next would be upgrade Pass X250 to a .8 series. Had a .5 series to compare in my home and yes I c... 
Need a DAC Recommendation.
RME ADI 2 DAC fs with Teddy Pardo PS/SR Orange. Great combo and the better the cables you throw on it, the more you will be rewarded. Can’t imagine spending more… I’m sure they get better but we’re cutting hairs for very little if any gain. 
Best affordable XLR?
Canare personally own these and they are outstanding for the money. I use them primarily for mic cables but have used them in my system and sou... 
Kimber Kable Powerkord 1st generation vs later...... your toughts
Mainly the plugs/ends is what changed and the outer jacket. The ends do make a big difference, previous PK10 Gold user. Very nice PC and for $90 you’ll be fine. 
Slight humming noise coming from Mark Levinson 331
eelnadThe ML 300 series were plagued with poor OEM power caps so my guess is if you’re hearing a hum it’s the caps. Surprised if it’s the caps that you made it this long without having to recap. The bad news is if it needs recapped good luck getti... 
What ever happened to Mark Levenson?
Obviously the OP is talking about the digital legend Mark Levensen and not guy who started a company building preamps and amps designed by others. 
Help with first cable upgrade.
AQ Ruby… now that’s an old cable. Probably the first decent cable I started with 20+ years ago. I personally preferred the Kimber PBJ over that cable. I’d take the Canare over both. 
Help with first cable upgrade.
Plenty of talk here about Canare cables. Used mainly in studios, live performances and catching on for home use for great cables for the price. Can be purchased on Amazon or mainly places online. I find them a tad on the more warner side but they ... 
New Bluesound Node – First Impressions
Every one above is dead on as the internal DAC is the weak link. Ethernet hardwire with Supra Cat 8, build a power cord with cable and Furutech plugs from VH Audio, and a quality coax cable. Lots of great DACs out there that will walk all over the... 
Magnepan warm-up?
That’s just true with all Maggie’s… the Mylar diaphragm just needs to warm up a bit to relax and not sound tight. The bigger Pans take even more time. If your not leaving your equipment on full time, part of it is your amp warming up too. 
Conrad Johnson vs Van Alst
Curious why you are considering either one of these amps? If they’re not local and you’re getting a killer price, I’d look into a Parasound A 23+. Been a long time since I’ve listened to a CJ 2275 but from memory I’d take the Parasound. Can’t spea... 
Do any of you kids , want your system ???
Can’t speak for anyone but myself. As my system became better and more expensive I moved it to a dedicated sound room, not necessarily to protect it but to get better sound. My children have no idea of great sound because honestly I hide it from t... 
Wywires Silver to Platinum interconnects. How big an upgrade would that be ?
Have Silver Juice II, Standard, Digital and HC (High Current) versions and on power amps the HC version definitely will give you more slam. The standard Juice II sounded very good on my Pass X250 but the HC version is noticeably better on my Pass.... 
Best bang for buck integrated amp for $500
No remote and she’s old, but she can sing… probably a little hard to find. Acurus DIA 100. Looks like there’s a MKII version here currently. 
What do you recommend to replace my Hafler IRIS preamp?
I’d probably look at the Schiit Saga+ in your budget. I’ve not personally heard the Saga+ but I’ve listened to a headphone preamp and a DAC from them and both sounded very good especially considering the cost. I’ve owned NAD separates including th...