
Responses from abstract7

Belle Klipsch VS La Scalla?
I've owned LaScallas, Heresey, Cornwalls, and listened quite a bit to Belle Klipsch and KHorns. All of these were the original versions when Paul Klipsch was running the company. I think they sounded much better before he left the company. I think... 
Mobile Fidelity Recording
There's no question they vary. There are some instances where the imports are better than MFSL, but MFSL is consistently better than the standard--sometimes by a tremendous amount. Try Cat Stevens Tea for the Tillerman--compare that to the origina... 
Help with speakers Martin Logan SL3
Martin Logan speakers are very demanding. I have a pair of Monoliths and love them. The basic problem is the panels reduce the impedance loading to 2 ohms and below during some passages of music. Then the woofer asks for a big voltage for that kic... 
In need of speaker cable help
I like a very detailed cable, but have auditioned quite a few. Purist Audio Design was one that I auditioned and do not use because of it's warm nature. But that's just my personal preference--this was a very good cable--and might be the right one... 
Best cables for Thiel 2.3
Purist Audio Design--they are very smooth. Relaxed and laid back is how I would describe them. 
Audio Video Processor
I have not listened to the Classe, but have listened to the MC-1, EAD, and AVP. I went with the EAD, but it's for home theater only. I would not have chosen this one for 2 channel because I listen to about 50% LPs and everything goes into the digi... 
Get rid of excessive low bass
Detlof is right. A square room is likely to give you terrible standing waves. You might try firing the speakers in a diagonal fashion. Room treatment (bass traps will help), but a 4 meter room is going to give a bass boost around 43 Hz. Most room ... 
Which Solid State amp 2k used? Krell?
Martin Logans love to be Bi-amped. The Krell is probably a good choice for the bottom end. I don't really care for the Krell I have heard on the panels of Martin Logans. I'm speaking of older Krell models--not the FPB series. The older Krell's wer... 
Another 2,000 Speaker Question
I agree with Ljgj. The SL3 can be placed in your room. It has probably one of the most revealing mid ranges around. I few cautionary points: You probably won't want to drive these with tubes--while you can--and they sound great--they need a lot of... 
Freak Me Out
Dean Peer "It's All Good", the Antenna Repairman "Ghatam", Planet Drum (Mickey Hart) "Supralingua", Proteus 7 "For Your Ears Only" The last one is less weird--but has some very good effects. All of these are exceptional sonic quality. 
Internal Speaker Wiring ??
I've never owned Thiel's and I am a little surprised to hear what you said given the extensive cross-over design they use--why go cheap on the wires? It does make a big difference as to which driver you are talking about. The tweeter may have what... 
What to do? What to do?
By the way, these are not the greatest speakers for Jazz and Chamber. They aren't bad for Jazz, but for Chamber I don't really care for them. 
What to do? What to do?
For rock I recommend older Klipsch speakers. They are horns, but the old ones are not bright or harsh. They are incredibly efficient (LaScala's at 104db/watt). They are also incredibly dynamic, which is what you need for compressed rock recordings... 
Parasound HCA2200II , Yeah or No-Way!
For the top end I think the Classe 70 (or a Classe ten) would be the first choice, followed by the ARC D-240. Although I'm sure others might put the ARC at the top of the list--it's really a close call and depends on personal preferences. I have o... 
High End and Classical Music
I listen to about 68% Jazz and 30% Classical (2% other stuff). I do think there are systems better suited to Jazz, Classical, Rock etc. That is if you are working on a budget. If the sky is the limit there are some fine systems that can do all qui...